Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka
The social network of the most important actors in local development is approximated on the basis of 35 institutions from the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Data on the network were obtained through a specialised questionnaire survey of representatives of these institut...
Authors: Stachová, Jana
The regional elites express a higher level of generalized and institutional trust in comparison with the average among the Czech population. The cause of this difference can be found in the income inequalities and in the level of education. The regional elites express also a grea...
Authors: Nejdl, Pavel, Daniel Čermák (eds.)
The objective of this study is to describe the basic discourse of cooperation, participation, and partnership in terms of how it is defined in the process of democratic administration in the Czech Republic and its regions. This basic discourse is determined from a legislative per...
Authors: Bernard, Josef
The chapter summarizes the results of contemporary social research on the processes of participation and partnership at local level in the Czech republic. The papers are classified according to their theoretical focus and the empirical field of interest.
Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Jana Stachová
The aim of this study is to describe the opinions of the citizens and representatives of the local institutions relating to the civic participation on the public affairs in the local community. The paper responses to following questions, more or less in the descriptive manner: Ho...
Authors: Vráblíková, Kateřina
V průběhu května badatelky a badatelé ze Sociologického ústavu AV ČR vystupovali v médiích. Co se nevešlo do samostatných aktualit na ústavním webu?
Authors: Kunc, Stanislav, Lukáš Linek
The article explores two main interest groups of local authorities: Asociation of towns and cities and Asociation of regions. It focuses on their relationship towards thein members and on activities dutiny legislative lobbying.
Authors: Smith, Michael L.
Not only do citizens in most Central European countries have the right to initiate referendums that are binding on local government, this book also shows that citizens in this region are also making greaer use of this possibility. The book focuses on the indentification of factor...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka, Daniel Čermák, Jana Stachová
This study focuses on social capital and the network of links between the organisations involved in activities geared towards the development of tourism in the Pardubice Region. The analysis of their network displays interconnectedness, the trust they show each other in their coo...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka (ed.)
A role of social capital and of its individual dimensions working at overcoming the impacts of economic crises is analysed. Study focuses on a detailed analysis of the inhabitants of the Kraj Vysočina with a supposed high level of social capital, and of Ustecky kraj with a suppos...
Authors: Stachová, Jana, Josef Bernard, Daniel Čermák
Jakou roli může hrát sociální kapitál v teoriích regionálního rozvoje? Jaké jsou souvislosti sociálního kapitálu v České republice? Jaký vztah je mezi sociálním kapitálem jednotlivců a jejich sociodemografickým, sociokulturním, socioekonomickým a teritoriálním zázemím? A jak si s...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka (ed.)
The objective of the study is to describe two factors that have a significant impact on regional development. One is the level of civil society development and the other is a nature of social network of local development actors. The focus of this study is Orlicko in the Pardubice...
Authors: Stachová, Jana
The region that forms the focus of this study is Orlicko in the in the District of Ústí nad Orlicí in the Pardubice Region, and specifically the area encompassed under the Association of Municipalities of Orlicko. Indicators of political and civic participation and indicators of...
Rádi bychom zrekapitulovali tituly, které naši pracovníci a pracovnice vydali v roce 2015. Většinu z nich lze zakoupit prostřednictvím našeho webu, případně u nakladatelů či knihkupců. Některé další materiály jsou dostupné zdarma.
2. 6. 2022 - 6. 6. 2022
Veletrh vědy 2022
Sociologický ústav AV ČR se opět zúčastní Veletrhu vědy, který pořádá Akademie věd ČR na letňanském výstavišti.
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. Nela Hesová
ESA 2015
Na konci srpna, 25.–28. 8. 2015, se bude v Praze konat významná, již 12. mezinárodní sociologická konference Evropské sociologické asociace. Zúčastní se jí rekordní počet 3500 vědců a vědkyň, především z Evropy, ale i z mnoha mimoevropských zemí. Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ús...