Authors: Křížková, Alena, Hašková, Hana
The focus in the following article lies on the interconnection between employment and care in the Czech Republic. To begin with we present the institutional framework for gender equality that has been introduced in ...
Authors: Císař, Ondřej, Kateřina Vráblíková
The goal of this paper is to analyze the impact the EU has had on Czech women‟s groups since the 1990s. Drawing on both Europeanization and social movement theories, the first section defines the theoretical standpoint of the paper. The second section is focused on the impact of...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Nagy, B., Mrčela Kanjuo, A.
In this article we compare the models of economic transition that have influenced changes in legislation and employment andsocial policies and have an impact on gender equality in the labour markets of three post-sociali...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
The article deals with the phenomenon of the sexual harassment in the working place in the Czech Republic. The authors analyze sexual harassment as one of effects of men’s symbolic power over women causing cultural misrecognition of women and at the same time as one of fact...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
První číslo letošního čtvrtletníku Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum věnujeme převážně rekapitulaci nejvýznamnějších titulů, které u nás na téma genderu v poslední době vyšly a o kterých jsme Vás ještě neinformovaly. Chceme tímto způsobem ukázat, jak se genderová l...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
V realizaci a vydávání informačního čtvrtletníku „Gender – rovné příležitosti - výzkum“ vidíme možnost, jak efektivně propojit výzkum a aktuální otázky související s postavením žen v české společnosti.Proč gender: Tento pojem (viz. Slovník základních pojmů)...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Hašková, Hana
Preparation for the CR’s accession to the EU was the most important legitimizing force to promote gender equality in thecountry. Attitudes of the EU and Czech governmental officials and politicians towards gender equali...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Author describes Czech women’s civic organizing focused on gender equality and women’s rights since the WWII and explains its development in context of state socialist regime, foreign donors´ impact on the organizing during the socio-economic...
Authors: Linková, Marcela (ed.)
The publication Trans/formation: gender, science and society explores the issue of women in science in the CR from the 19th century to the present. It builds on the findings of EC’s Enwise expert group from 2004. The publication documents changes related to the influx of wo...
Authors: Linková, Marcela
European science policy turned its attention to gender equality at the end of the 20th century, influencing to a smaller or greater extent three Framework Programmes supporting European research and technological development (the fifth, sixth and seventh). Gender equality is also...
Authors: Linková, Marcela
The chapter looks into the development of the issue of women in science in the Czech Republic after 1989 in relation and in the light of European policies aimed at supporting women in science.
Authors: Blum, S., L. Formánková, I. Dobrotič
The economic crisis has significantly challenged national welfare states and has often led to retrenchment. The question arises how countries have reacted to the crisis in the area of family policy – not directly connected to rising unemployment and also not as demanding fo...
Authors: Mysíková, Martina
This paper aims to extend the knowledge of the relationship between within-couple income distribution and partners’ financial satisfaction, using data from the EU-SILC 2013 for 15 European countries, for the first time including data from Eastern Europe. We find that men’s prefer...
Authors: Císař, Ondřej, Kateřina Vráblíková
The goal of this article is to analyze the impact the EU has had on the Czech women’s groups since the 1990s. The first section debates possible theoretical approaches to the study of the Europeanization of political activism. The second section describes the transformation...
Authors: Rakušanová, Petra
