Authors: Pospíšilová, Jaroslava, Krulichová, Eva a kol.
Globální svět čelí vážným společenským problémům, jejichž dopady můžeme vidět i v Evropě. Evropská unie, jejímž hlavním posláním je udržování míru a prosperity v rámci všech členských států, se ukázala být velmi nesourodým uskupením, které jen těžko nachází shodu na řešení komple...
Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 5
Authors: Vinopal, Jiří
The chapter deals with classical topics of social research methodology in tight connection with separate surveys conducted within the project Politic-legal institutional frame of the Czech republic and its transformations in the context of European Union accession. 
Authors: Skovajsa, Marek
The volume provides sociological interpretation of policie and institutions in the period of Czech transformation and accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union, as well as involved value bacgrounds.
Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
European institutions as well as member states have been recently promoting participatory procedures that are proclaimed to contribute to the legitimacy of political regimes and decision-making processes. Discussing three cases in the controversy over GMOs in the Czech Republic a...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Věra Sparschuh, Agnieszka Wenninger (eds.)
The volume presents a collection of articles and analyses exploring various paths of Europeanisation process in Eastern Europe. The articles provide an interdisciplinary reflection on the eastern enlargement as well as on recent situation in new member states. The volume is divid...
Authors: Lux, Martin
The article analyses the situation of the Czech housing market paying attentionto the sector of municipal rental housing. The emphasis is placed on the criticalevaluation of the current state. The comparative descrition of differentsocial housing systems in the European Union cou...
Authors: Hegedüs, József, Martin Lux, Nóra Teller (eds.)
This volume intends to fill the gap in the range of publications about the post-transition social housing policy developments in Central and Eastern Europe by delivering critical evaluations about the past two decades of developments in selected countries’ social housing se...
Authors: Zoltan Dorogi, Matthias Gather, Jolanta Perek-Białas, Francesca S. Rota, Katarzyna Tarnawska, Michal Tomčík, Martin Šimon
Demographic change is one of the most important challenges for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development in many regions of Central Europe. Population losses due to low fertility rates, migration and population ageing have already been experienc...
ESS Rounds
Kolektiv autorek z oddělení Hodnotových orientací ve společnosti vydal knihu "Jak se žije Čechům v současné Evropě?" postavenou na datech z European Social Survey (ESS). Součástí knihy je exponované téma migrace.
Authors: Guasti, Petra, Mansfeldová, Zdenka
Kapitola se zaměřuje na rozvoj demokracie a její kvality v České republice během ekonomické krize a krátce po ní (s hlavním zaměřením na období 2009-2014). Autorky se snaží odpovědět na otázku, zda hospodářská krize přispěla k oslabení české demokracie, nebo zda vnější šok z hosp...
A follow-up grant, the activities the Center develops fall into two basic lines. The first is to support women researchers' participation in European research, promote equal opportunities in science and research and support early career researchers, including the development of p...
Trvání projektu: 2008 - 2012
Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
The book follows the controversy over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. I look at the production and use of scientific expert knowledges and other knowledges and at the processes of globalization and localization, or political geography, as enacted...
Authors: Skovajsa, Marek
The volume provides sociological interpretation of policie and institutions in the period of Czech transformation and accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union, as well as involved value bacgrounds.
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Robert van der Veen
The text utilizes voter’s dilemma approach (VDA) to electoral participation in the analysis of turnout in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. This text asks what the contribution of VDA to an individual-level explanation of participation in the European and national par...
Authors: Lyons, Pat
Many states today are members of a number of systems of multilevel governance such as the UN, WTO, EU and NATO. Consequently, there is increasing scope for states to be presented with conflicting expectations. With the Iraq crisis, states with simultaneous membership of these org...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The following chapter is dedicated to the discussions on the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by the Parliament of the Czech Republic and its further implications. The first part deals with the stance of the Czech political elite towards the European integration and its further...
