Authors: Křížková, Alena
Authors: Kudrnáčová Michaela, Hamplová Dana
Social Jetlag in the Context of Work and Family. By definition, social jetlag – a misalignment between the social and biological time – is closely linked to social obligations that conflict with the individual’s chronotype. It is a widespread phenomenon and is linked to various n...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři, letošní čtvrté číslo informačního čtvrtletníku Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, které právě vychází, je číslem posledním, neboť výzkumný projekt, jenž jeho vydávání rámoval, končí. Po dobu pěti let jste na stránkách tohoto bulletinu měli/y možn...
Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe
Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield) publishes the book Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe.
5. 5. 2014
Francine M. Deutsch, profesorka psychologie z americké Mount Holyoke College, promluví na přednášce organizované oddělením Gender a sociologie SOU AV ČR, v.v.i. na téma dělení domácích prací. Přednáška a následná diskuse proběhne v angličtině.
Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe
V nakladatelství Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield) právě vychází nová publikace Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe. Kniha založená na analýzách dat z projektu European Social Survey přináší nejnovější politické, sociální a obecné posto...
This five year project will examine the Czech Society using a household panel survey research design. This study will focus on five themes: Family life, health, time use and income management; Education and the labour market; Social stratification; Housing choices and inequalitie...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
In this study the author examined the motivations for starting up a business and the life strategies for work and family balance in small and mid-sized entrepreneurship by men and women who started up independent businesses in the Czech Republic in the 1990s, and I situated the r...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
The article deal with the historical development of the childcare facilities, analyses their availability, flexibility, affordability. It is focused on the parental acceptability of the facilities for children as well as the other working time arrangements facilitating combinatio...
Authors: Vohlídalová, Marta
The study therefore aims to answer the question of whether in families where the father is involved in caring for children in the early stage of their lives there is an erosion of gender inequalities in the family, or whether what occurs is just a modification of the given status...
Project summary:
Trvání projektu: 2014 - 2018
Authors: Zich, František, Anýžová, Petra (eds.)
Kniha se zabývá působením modernizačních a globalizačních trendů na hodnotové orientace, normy a klíčové aspekty životního způsobu české a hlučínské populace v evropském kontextu. Poznatky z lokálního výzkumu na Hlučínsku slouží ke konfrontaci s modernizací v jiných situacích a u...
Authors: Šafr, Jiří
The monograph deals with intergenerational transmition of social inequalities during family socialization employing data from the survey "Distinction and Values" (2008) which surveyed cohorts ages 30–34 along with their parents. The results show: 1. strong reprodu...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková
This study analyse the strategies of the different actors involved at various levels of society: families, individuals (women and men), the companies and organisations that use the given policies, and the conditions and opportunities for combining work and family. In part this re...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
The study therefore aims to answer the question of whether in families where the father is involved in caring for children in the early stage of their lives there is an erosion of gender inequalities in the family, or whether what occurs is just a modification of the given status...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The article presents partial results of a qualitative study realized in 2006 between Czech men and women managers. The purpose of the study was to compare the situation and conditions of men and women in managerial work. It shows that the main source of inequalities is the need o...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
