Authors: Kolářová, Marta
This paper examines gender aspects of tactics of the alter-globalization movement. Focusing mainly on two transnational collective actions in Prague in 2000 and in Genoa in 2001, the research draws on participant observation, interviews with activists and analysis of the movement...
Authors: Uhde, Z.
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
Transnational feminism has become a significant global actor in recent decades, but it is not unanimous. Imperial tendencies of western feminists to influence women in other cultures have already appeared in the history of the feminist movement. Criticism of white Euro-American f...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The paper presents a feminist critique of globalization. The mainstream theories of globalization have a masculine bias. Bringing gender aspects to globalization characterizes global actors and creates a framework for global issues. Mostly the economic globalization and the chang...
V listopadu knihovna našeho ústavu nabízí řadu nových zajímavých titulů.
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The article focuses on analyzing the institution of hired domestic care in the context of global connections of social relations and changing social forms of care. In the first part, the author introduces the social context in which the market model of care and transnational care...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The author develops a critical diagnosis of the changing interpretations of the concept of emancipation of women due to broader socio-economic transformations and expansion of the market into most domains of social life. In the first part she briefly outlines the historical conte...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The author approaches the issue of intercultural dialog from the feminist perspective. First, drawing on critical feminist theorists she outlines the critique of mainstream Western feminist approaches and the ways, in which they partake on simplistic ideological perception of non...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25.-28.8.
The Institute of Sociology is a proud organizer of the 12th European Sociological Association Conference.
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25.-28.8.
The Institute of Sociology is a proud organizer of the 12th European Sociological Association Conference.
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
This article develops a critical analysis of transformations of the idea and practice of women’s emancipation in late-modern Western society under the influence of globalizing advanced capitalism. It builds on analyses of feminist critical theory and critical globalization studie...
2. 6. 2022 - 6. 6. 2022
Veletrh vědy 2022
Sociologický ústav AV ČR se opět zúčastní Veletrhu vědy, který pořádá Akademie věd ČR na letňanském výstavišti.
ESA 2015
Na konci srpna, 25.–28. 8. 2015, se bude v Praze konat významná, již 12. mezinárodní sociologická konference Evropské sociologické asociace. Zúčastní se jí rekordní počet 3500 vědců a vědkyň, především z Evropy, ale i z mnoha mimoevropských zemí. Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ús...
