26. 4. 2018
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na jarní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
A comparative study of working conditions in several European countries has been carried out, focusing on adjustments to working conditions with regard to different stages of the life course. The research took place in the following countries: the Netherlands (Laura den Dulk), Sw...
Trvání projektu: 2014 - 2016
Ilustrace: Pixabay.com
Socioložka náboženství Andrea Beláňová v minulosti zkoumala vedle dalších protipotratových uskupení také Hnutí Pro Život. To k sobě nedávno připoutalo pozornost veřejnosti a médií vyjádřením proti poskytování antikoncepce znásilněným Ukrajinkám, přeživším po ústupu ruských okupan...
Ilustrace: Bing.com / DALL-E
Socioložka Radka Dudová hovořila v podcastu Pay Gap magazínu A2larm o tématu samoživitelek.
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Steven Saxonberg
Public opinion research shows that most Czechs think children should stay at home the first three years. But the situation is more complicated and filled with contradictions.
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Qualitative survey showed several ways, in which labor market influences decisions on transition to parenthood in current Czech society. Those ways are gender specific. Preferences and decision-making on transition to parenthood of 30-40 year-old men and women are embedded in int...
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Dudová, Radka
The article offers a comparison of social policies and institutions of care for children younger three years in the Czech Republic and France. The explanation of the differences is found (among other things) in the different development of expert discourses. The discourse thus im...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The objective of this publication is to contrast different ways of looking at the reality of parenting and child care after divorce or separation and show how multifaceted this important social phenomenon truly is. The study begins by introducing readers to the subject of post-di...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Klíčová slova: rodičovství, trh práce, gender
Authors: Hamplová, Dana
The book is based on an empirical survey "Young Genderation 1997" concerning attitudes towards the family, parenthood and partnership of young single people between 18-30 years of age. Besides the attitudestowards marriage, parenthood and ideal anad expected number of c...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The article draws on empirical qualitative research to identify the various ways in which separated or divorced fathers in theCzech Republic relate to the norm of father-provider. It offers an analysis of the plurality of men’s approa...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
The article deals with the issue of construction of caring for fathers, who have become primary carers in the period of parental leave. In the article I analyze how these fathers reflect the fathering, how they construct their identity and interpret gender relations within the fa...
Authors: Dudová, Radka, Hašková, Hana, Maříková, Hana
Authors analyze division of unpaid work and care in dual-parent and mono-parent families with dependent children, and asses the impact of the unequal gender division of work and care on parents and their children. 
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Authors: Maříková, Hana
Authors: Heintz-Martin, Valérie, C. Le Bourdais, D. Hamplová
Ilustrace: Pixabay.com (Alexandra_Koch)
Socioložka Radka Dudová z oddělení Gender & sociologie se v pořadu Studio 6 České televize věnovala tématu dopadů pandemie na rodiny. K obecnějším dopadům na společnost se vyjádřila také socioložka Tereza Stöckelová.
