Authors: Fox, Mary Frank, Whittington, Kjersten Bunker, Linková, Marcela
Gender hierarchies in the scientific workforce reflect and reinforce relations of status and power in societies. Concentrating on the United States and European Union, this chapter reveals deep and persistent gender disparities in participation by scientific field, and in perform...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
This publication presents a quantitative look at the issue of gender segregation – a statistical image – and a qualitative image of the social reality of women’s labour as portrayed in contemporary Czech television serials. The analysis showed that the Czech lab...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The book deals with the development of politics of abortion in the Czech Republic since 1957. Based on the research of discourses and institutions of abortion it develops the aproach of discursive institutionalism. The politics of abortion are analysed as specific socialist gover...
Authors: Linková, Marcela
The publication explores gender aspects of researchers’ career plans, academic mobility, combination of research and parenthood, image of science in the media and gender equality policies in science. The introductory chapter discusses current changes in research and positio...
Authors: Šaldová, Kateřina, Barbora Tupá, Marta Vohlídalová
The paper sums up the findings based on a research on sexual harassment at university conducted as a part of a research project "Equal opportunities in the science: Analysis of gender barriers and development of talents" kindly supported by the Ministry of Youth and Edu...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková
This study analyse the strategies of the different actors involved at various levels of society: families, individuals (women and men), the companies and organisations that use the given policies, and the conditions and opportunities for combining work and family. In part this re...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková, Hana Maříková, Zuzana Uhde (eds.)
The book examines legislative and institutional framings of childcare and its gendered impacts in the Czech Republic in the context of current policies of care in other European countries. The aim is to introduce results of analyses of empirical data on childcare to public debate...
Authors: Hana Tenglerová (ed.), Kamila Šimandlová, Ester Šebestová, Jana Dvořáčková, Marcela Linková
The publication presents a selection of current measures to promote gender equality in Europe and the Czech Republic. It focuses on activities of ministries, research funding organizations and research performing organizations in areas such as the work-life balance, gender in res...
ESA 2015
Na konci srpna, 25.–28. 8. 2015, se bude v Praze konat významná, již 12. mezinárodní sociologická konference Evropské sociologické asociace. Zúčastní se jí rekordní počet 3500 vědců a vědkyň, především z Evropy, ale i z mnoha mimoevropských zemí. Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ús...
The CASPER aims The Horizon 2020 CASPER project will examine the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality with a focus on the organizational level. Based upon an extensive assessment of available systems and needs across Europe and bey...
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2021
2. 6. 2022 - 6. 6. 2022
Veletrh vědy 2022
Sociologický ústav AV ČR se opět zúčastní Veletrhu vědy, který pořádá Akademie věd ČR na letňanském výstavišti.
Authors: Křížková, A., Marková Volejníčková, R., Vohlídalová, M.
Rozdíl v průměrných mzdách žen a mužů v České republice je jedním z nejvyšších v Evropské unii a dlouhodobě se pohybuje kolem 22 %. Tato publikace ukazuje, jak je problém nerovností v odměňování žen a mužů vnímán českou veřejností, stejně jako jednotlivými expertními skupinami, k...
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Zuzana Uhde (eds.)
The critical attention feminists have paid to the concept of citizenship has significantly contributed to the con¬temporary political imagination of citizenship. In this book the authors from the Czech Republic follow up on the feminist debate on citizenship and examine the i...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
The article deal with the historical development of the childcare facilities, analyses their availability, flexibility, affordability. It is focused on the parental acceptability of the facilities for children as well as the other working time arrangements facilitating combinatio...
V průběhu března badatelky a badatelé ze Sociologického ústavu AV ČR vystupovali v médiích. Co se nevešlo do samostatných aktualit na ústavním webu?
13. 2. 2014 - 14. 2. 2014
Všichni účastníci budou mít možnost představit svůj aktuální výzkum nebo práci a diskutovat se svými kolegy nejen z České republiky, ale i ze zahraničí z různých odborných oblastí. Ačkoli konference je primárně zaměřena na studenty doktorského studia demografie, všichni mladí (ne...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The position of Czech institutions towards lone-parenthood changed substantially over the course of last half of the 20th century. The main changes that did take place were at the level of public and professional discourse and at the level of social policies. The chapter describe...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The article is based on comparative analysis of data from the international longitudinal survey ISSP 1994 and 2002 focused on gender roles and family. Based on the analysis European countries were divided according to their inhabitants´ opinions on gender roles an...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Číslo bulletinu Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum, které se vám nyní dostává do rukou, shrnuje několik na první pohled spíše různorodých témat. Tato témata spojuje problematika rovných příležitostí žen a mužů v souvislosti se vstupem České republiky do Evropské uni...
