Authors: Večerník, Jiří
This study tries to demonstrate the links between the social structure and social policies. Using a socio-economic approach it exhibits four types of socio-economic friction that develop between the middle class and other groups, between the new and the old middle class, between...
Authors: Fialová, Kamila, Martina Mysíková
This paper aims to quantify the impact of social benefi ts on labour market participation in the Czech Republic and provides a comparison with selected European countries. It applies the logistic regression to estimate the probability of labour market participation depending on s...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
Following the assumption that the middle class is important in the transition from communism to a democratic market society as its leading actor and guarantor of social integration, this paper presents evidence of the benefits it has gained from economic and social reforms. As th...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
Social report which informs about the development during the two decades in the fields of employment and social policies, earnings and income inequalities, social structures with attention to the situation of the middle class, pensioners and the poor, and socio-economic values wi...
Authors: Kuchařová, Věra, Sylva Höhne, Olga Nešporová, Kamila Svobodová, Anna Šťastná
This chapter offers a basic outline of the economic development in the Czech Republic, of situation on the labour market and of social and professional structure of the Czech society in the period since the end of the Second World War to the present years. It also deals with the...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Šimon, Martin
The spatial concentration of social disadvantage in rural areas not only poses a risk to social cohesion but also represents a challenge for public policy. This article draws on a multidimensional concept of disadvantage to study spatial aspects of disadvantage in Czech rural are...
Authors: Šimon, Martin
Studium mechanismů, které mohou narušovat sociální soudržnost společnosti, patří mezi základní témata sociologického výzkumu. Riziko sociálního znevýhodnění je ovlivněno dominantně individuálními faktory, ale síla působení těchto faktorů závisí na prostředí, kde obyvatelé žijí. V...
Authors: Šimon, Martin
Předchozí výzkum periferních území umožnil identifikovat některá problémová území a zacílit pozornost na jejich studium. Nicméně se jednalo většinou o vymezení jednoho typu periferního území. Uživatel výzkumu tak nemohl identifikovat, zdali je perifernost území způsobována nedost...
Authors: Soukupová, Eva, Petr Sunega
The article focuses on the Czech social system and primarily on the measures and benefits aimed to help single mothers. Through an analysis of the social welfare payment system the authors try to define if, and under what conditions, it is more profitable for mothers to be marrie...
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
Paper explores the character and impact of financial pro-family measures in a number of European countries. A micro-level analysis is applied to examine how much financial benefit is obtained by different types of families using a Model Family Method. The key questions addressed...
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
The article discusses in detail policies of maternity leave in several European countries. The prime focus is on the length and conditions of maternity leave and the amount of compensation paid through the maternity benefit. The outcome is a scale of all the countries based on a...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
Statistical income surveys are used to document systemic changes in distribution of household income and its determinants in the period 1988-1996: 1. the growing difficulties of income surveys under the democratic regime are reflected; 2. the substantive meaning of various income...
Authors: Soukupová, Eva
The article discusses in detail policies of maternity leave in several European countries. The prime focus is on the length and conditions of maternity leave and the amount of compensation paid through the maternity benefit. The outcome is a scale of all the countries based on a...
Authors: Křížková, A., Marková Volejníčková, R., Vohlídalová, M.
Rozdíl v průměrných mzdách žen a mužů v České republice je jedním z nejvyšších v Evropské unii a dlouhodobě se pohybuje kolem 22 %. Tato publikace ukazuje, jak je problém nerovností v odměňování žen a mužů vnímán českou veřejností, stejně jako jednotlivými expertními skupinami, k...
Authors: Soukupová, Eva
The article discusses the policies concerning the institution of maternity leave in several European countries. Discussed are primarily the length and conditions of maternity leave and the amount of compensation paid through the maternity benefit. The outcome is a scale of all th...
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
Kapitola nahlíží na problematiku slaďování péče o děti a pracovních povinností z pohledu rodinného rozpočtu a snaží se odpovědět na otázky, zda česká rodinná politika ve srovnání s ostatními evropskými systémy napomáhá sdílení péče o malé děti oběma rodiči, jaký zásah do rozpočtu...