Authors: Soukupová, Eva
Using the model family method and child benefit packages this text illustrates how family policies in seventeen European countries deal with New Social Risk through the financial support provided to families by governments.
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Zuzana Uhde (eds.)
The critical attention feminists have paid to the concept of citizenship has significantly contributed to the con¬temporary political imagination of citizenship. In this book the authors from the Czech Republic follow up on the feminist debate on citizenship and examine the i...
Authors: Křížková, A., L. Formánková, M. Vohlídalová
This paper investigates how structural changes in Czech society brought about by the transition from the centrally planned state-socialist regime towards market-based capitalism, which impacts individual opportunities and choices. The intersectional approach and concept of social...
Authors: Vobecka, Jana, Butz, William, Reyes, Gerald
Commissioned by UNFPA’s Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia this report aims to supplement the information gathered from governments and civil society with academic research. The report, prepared by the International Institute for Applied ...
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Radka Dudová
The paper discusses how selective pronatalism has been incorporated into childcare and reproductive health policies in the socialist state of Czechoslovakia (1948–1989). It answers the question of how pronatalist framing has been used to categorise ‘others’, whose procreation has...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
Authors: Lux, Martin, Tomáš Kostelecký, Petr Sunega, Jana Vobecká, Jan Sládek
The policy paper offers theoretical framework of the relations between housing and population policy and reviews current housing policies accross european countries. The paper focuses predominanty on the rental housing sector and on young families searching for housing. The autho...
Authors: Abela, A., Dudová, R., Gábos, A., Hašková, H., Heggem Kojan, B., Kotzeva, T., Putnina, A., Šadić, S., Sesar, K., Tereskinas, A., Thiene, A., Tzivian, L. (eds.)
Authors: Hamplová, Dana, Pavla Horská
The work describes theoretical approaches towards the family from 50s to 80s. The emphasis is especially placed on the Marxist ideology and sociology of family and on the practical implications of these theories. The first phase of the communist regime in 50s was characterised by...
Authors: Mikeszová, Martina, Martin Lux, Milan Polednik, Petr Sunega
The chapter describes a proposal for implementation of social and guaranteed housing in the Czech Republic. Target groups of households are defined. Although they are generally eligible for housing allowances, due to discrimination on the Czech housing market they face social and...
Authors: Kocman, D. a Paleček, J.
Studie vypráví příběh proměny dvou systémů osvojení z hlediska jejich vztahu k sociální práci, která je jedním z hlavních aktérů koordinace a výkonu adopční praxe. Studie se detailně věnuje hlavním trendům ve vývoji adopce, proměnám postavení jednotlivých účastníků adopčního proc...
Authors: Radimská, Radka
V tomto dvojčísle letošního čtvrtletníku Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum se zaměřujeme na nová specifická témata a s nimi související genderové otázky. Jedná se zejména o impuls k promýšlení současné organizace vztahů mužů a žen v institucionální, společenské i s...
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
The book explores the structure and level of financial support addressed to families with children in the Czech Republic and 16 other European countries as of January 2004. Through analysis of tax-benefit system it examines where the Czech Republic stands in respect of family sup...
Authors: Mitchell, Eva
Kapitola nahlíží na problematiku slaďování péče o děti a pracovních povinností z pohledu rodinného rozpočtu a snaží se odpovědět na otázky, zda česká rodinná politika ve srovnání s ostatními evropskými systémy napomáhá sdílení péče o malé děti oběma rodiči, jaký zásah do rozpočtu...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The author studies changes in availability and use of daycare services in Czech society in context of changes in female laborforce participation, gender relations, family policy and public debates on childcare, population decline and econom...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The position of Czech institutions towards lone-parenthood changed substantially over the course of last half of the 20th century. The main changes that did take place were at the level of public and professional discourse and at the level of social policies. The chapter describe...
