Authors: Bernard, Josef, Tomáš Kostelecký
In the chapter, the authors present a statistical analysis of the internal development potential of small rural communities or settlements. Drawing on statistical data (census data, election statistics, urban and municipal statistics, demographic statistics, municipal budget stat...
Authors: Šimon, Martin, Křížková, Ivana, Klsák, Adam, Mikešová, Renáta, Leontiyeva, Yana
Basic trends in the deployment of foreigners in the Czech Republic 2008-2015: Residential segregation from the perspective of individualized neighbourhoods of various size, by Martin Šimon, Ivana Křížková, Adam Klsák, Renáta Mikešová and Yana LeontiyevaThe number of for...
Authors: Vobecká, Jana, Josef Bernard, Michal Illner
The chapter summarises the results of three qualitative case studies of local government and the development potential of three selected small municipalities: Verměřovice, Vražkov, Roztoky. The case studies are based on interviews with the main actors of public affairs in the com...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Tomáš Kostelecký, Michal Illner, Jana Vobecká
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Michal Illner, Jana Vobecká, Tomáš Kostelecký
The chapter summarises the main findings of the study. It describes the basic factors which impact the development of small rural communities and the main development actors. Local governments are explained as the dominant development actors on the local level. The chapter points...
Authors: Bernard, Josef
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka, Daniel Čermák
Description of a process of municipalities disintegration during 90’s in the CR that happened as an effect of political changes. Basic information covers: 2199 new municipalities emerged as a result of division of 1032 municipalities. Disintegration touched small municipali...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Michal Illner, Tomáš Kostelecký
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Šimon, Martin
This bilingual, English-Czech atlas of Czechoslovakia is one of the first to use statistical data to evaluate spatial aspects of population development over time. Its twelve chapters present various themes relating directly to population from a historical perspective, such as dem...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka
Review of the forms of inter-municipality cooperation in some European countries.
Authors: Bernard, Josef
The paper deals with an analysis of the processual features of community care planning in the Czech Republic. It comes to conclusion that the participative nature of community care planning is only partially implemented in reality. The deficiencies of participative nature of comm...
Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Eva Kyselá, Martin Ďurďovič, Kateřina Bernardyová
Výzkumná zpráva analyzuje data, která byla získána v květnu 2015 v reprezentativním dotazníkovém šetření ve 4 ze 7 vytipovaných lokalit pro výstavbu hlubinného úložiště vyhořelého jaderného paliva a radioaktivních odpadů v ČR. Svorníkem analýzy názorů obyvatel lokalit je otázka r...
Authors: Bernard, Josef
The chapter deals with a comparison of theoretical claims on processual features of community care planning and the reality of their application in praxis. The participative features of the process are accentuated in the chapter. The author shows that there exist some institution...
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin, Zdenka Vajdová, Kateřina bernardyová
Výzkumná zpráva analyzuje kvalitativní sociologická data sesbíraná během roku 2014, která se týkají názorů na vývoj jednání o hlubinném úložišti vyhořelého jaderného paliva a radioaktivních odpadů v ČR. První část zprávy se věnuje skupinovým diskuzím s obyvateli lokalit...
Authors: Patočková, Věra
The chapter analyses information about cooperation between municipalities published in mentioned magazines between January 2001 and September 2005. General information about both magazines and about published contributions are presented. Main attention is focused to areas of coop...
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin
Metodika je výsledkem projektu, jehož jádrem bylo shromáždění a systematizace poznatků o sociální zakotvenosti rozhodování o hlubinném úložišti vyhořelého jaderného paliva a vysokoaktivních odpadů (HÚ) za pomoci kvalitativního a kvantitativního empirického sociologického výzkumu....
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka, Daniel Čermák, Michal Illner
This study examines two processes that public administration went through at the local level beginning in the early 1990s: a process whereby municpalities were broken up into autonomous units, and a process whereby these autonomous municipalities voluntarily came together to form...
Authors: D. Čermák, R. Mikešová
The aim of this manuscript is to analyze notions of democracy among Czech mayors. Czechia is dotted with municipalities of various sizes, each with its own mayor, each of whom has a vision of how democracy at the local level should be practiced. Our focus here is on two types of...
