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Mgr. et Mgr. Vanda Černohorská, Ph.D.

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

Job: Postdoctoral researcher

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0440-0664

Curriculum Vitae


2012 – 2020    Ph.D., Sociology, Masaryk University

2009 – 2012    Master's, Sociology, Masaryk University

2009 – 2012    Master's, Gender Studies, Charles University

2007 – 2010    Bachelor, Philosophy & Fim Studies, Palacky University

2006 – 2009    Bachelor, Sociology & Gender Studies, Masaryk University

Foreign Study Visits and Internships

2015 – 2016    Fulbright Scholarship, Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, USA



Vanda Černohorská, Ph.D., focuses on gender inequalities from an intersectional perspective concerning issues of digitalization, social resilience and the creation of expert knowledge. Currently, she is researching the issue of the production of gender expertise in times of crisis and post-crisis recovery in the CoRe: Beyond Security - Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (OPJAK) project at the National Contact Centre for Gender & Science. She also works at the Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, where she researches the impact of digital technologies on the perception of time and wellbeing (Time experience in Europe's digital age - TIMED). In the past years, she explored the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and related policies on existing gender inequalities as part of the RESISTIRÉ research team or the effect of the European Structural Funds on gender equality in the Czech labour market. Her doctoral research investigated the relationship between digital technologies and the contemporary feminist movement in the Czecho-Slovak region. Her other research interests include the issue of qualitative methods and multi-disciplinary approaches within social research and co-creation practices related to gender-sensitive policy design. She was awarded a Fulbright grant and spent 2015/2016 as a Visiting Assistant in Research at the Yale Center for Cultural Sociology.

Since 2013, Vanda has worked for the NGO sector, both in the Czech Republic and abroad (Turkey, Northern Iraq), focusing mainly on migration issues and women’s rights. As of 2020, she has served as a chairwoman of the Gender Expert Chamber of the Czech Republic. Since 12/2023, she has been a Chair of the Committee on the Institutional Framework for Gender Equality, an advisory committee of the Government Council for Gender Equality. 


Selected Publications

Černohorská, Vanda, Zuzana Očenášová, and Agnes Kende. 2023. "The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable Groups." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 24(1):114-134.

Nyklová, B., Moree, D., Maufras Černohorská, V. 2022. Ignorance as a Factor in the Inconsistent Regulation of Domestic Violence against Women as Mirrored in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 58(5), 533-562. doi: 10.13060/csr.2022.034

Černohorská, V.  M. 2019. “Who’s Afraid of the Istanbul Convention? Resisting ‘Gender Ideology’ in the Age of Digital Feminism”. Pp. 91-107 in Feministische ZIrkulationen zwischen Ost und West, ed. by Annette Bühler-Dietrich. Berlin: Frank & Timm.

Černohorská, V.  M. 2019. “New Media Activism and Central European Feminism”. Pp. 269-283 in Handbook of Contemporary Feminism, ed. by Andrea Press and Tasha Oren.  New York: Routledge.



2023 - 2028 CoRe: Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building, OPJAK (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, National Contact Centre for Gender & Science)

2022 - 2025 TIMED: TIMe experience in Europe’s Digital age, CHANSE (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Centre for Science, Technology, and Society Studies), PI

2021 - 2023 RESISTIRÉ: RESpondIng to outbreakS through co-creaTIve inclusive equality stRatEgies, H2020 (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, National Contact Centre for Gender & Science)

2018 - 2021 Reflection of the impact of ESIF programs on the equality of men and women at labour market, OPTA (Czech Women's Lobby) 




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