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8 Publications

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Občanská společnost v regionech České republiky

Občanská společnost v regionech České republiky

Book focuses on regional and local aspects of civil society in the Czech Republic. The theoretical section contains a summary of the development of knowledge in the field of civil society and civic participation from two partly opposing perspectives – the institutional and the socio-cultural. The results of empirical study of two selected regions indicate that both institutional and socio-cultural factors play a role in the development of civil society.…

Themes: Civil Society, Regions

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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Biotechnologizace: legitimita, materialita a možnosti odporu

Biotechnologizace: legitimita, materialita a možnosti odporu

The book follows the controversy over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. I look at the production and use of scientific expert knowledges and other knowledges and at the processes of globalization and localization, or political geography, as enacted in the case of GMOs. I also follow and analyse the processes whereby the legitimacy of agricultural GMOs is constructed or subverted and the strategies for the de/materialization of GMOs. I show that representations in the regimes of s…

Themes: European Union, Legitimacy, Politics and Political Attitudes, Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Životní strategie žen a mužů v řízení (a) podnikání

Životní strategie žen a mužů v řízení (a) podnikání

In this study the author examined the motivations for starting up a business and the life strategies for work and family balance in small and mid-sized entrepreneurship by men and women who started up independent businesses in the Czech Republic in the 1990s, and I situated the research in the context of the gender structure of Czech society. …

Themes: Gender, Work, Family

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Kognitivní přístupy v metodologii výzkumných šetření: metoda okamžité validizace

Kognitivní přístupy v metodologii výzkumných šetření: metoda okamžité validizace

The study maps the situation of standardized interviewing at interactional level ad at the level of cognitive processes in respondents` minds. The presentation of methodological area of Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology offers compact overview of theoretical conceptions and knowledge about the aspects of interviewing situation, introduces major cognitive methods used for the construction of questions and questionnaires and primarily describes original authors` method of immediate validation that concerns…

Themes: Research Methodology, Sociological Data

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Otcovství po rozchodu rodičovského páru

Otcovství po rozchodu rodičovského páru

The book presents a theoretical study and an original qualitative empirical study of fatherhood after divorce or separation. A total of 35 interviews were conducted with men with various social and educational backgrounds. It shows how contemporary fathers select between different repertoires of fatherhood and how they interpret them, and in this way they construct their own personal paternal role.…

Themes: Gender, Interpersonal Relations, Parenting

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Povaha občanské společnosti v České republice v kontextu střední Evropy

Povaha občanské společnosti v České republice v kontextu střední Evropy

The core objective of this dissertation is to answer a question: What is the character of civil society in the Czech Republic in the context of Central Europe?. The author analyzes the role, character, financing and classification of Czech civil society, including a description of the barriers which the nongovernmental sector in the Czech Republic faces in the context of complex social processes such as transformation, Europeanization and globalization. …

Themes: Globalization, Civil Society, Transformation

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Values and Politics

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Životní styl a sociální třídy: vytváření symbolické kulturní hranice diferenciací vkusu a spotřeby

Životní styl a sociální třídy: vytváření symbolické kulturní hranice diferenciací vkusu a spotřeby

Šafr, Jiří. 2008. Lifestyle and Social Class in the Czech Republic: The Formation of Symbolic Cultural Boundaries by Differentiated Taste and Consumption. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.The study pursues differentiation of lifestyle, cultural capital (taste, consumption) and social stratification. Analyses of MML 2004 data examine: class homology hypothesis, social background of cultural omnivorousness and hypothesis of homology bolstering after 1989. Most of six pursued lifestyle spheres is stru…

Themes: Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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