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3893 Publications

Žehnám veškeré Boží havěti

A book-length interview with entomologist and priest Matúš Kocian about interspecies coexistence, ecological ethics, and spirituality. Prague: Karmelitánské nakladatelství, 2023.…

Topics: Religion and religiosity, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Other Publication

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Znovu objevit Zemi

The 112th issue of the magazine Prostor, titled "Re-discovering the Earth," explores how to approach collaboration with other forms of life. This issue was edited by Lukáš Senft and brings together authors from various professions, including legends of the Czech ecological movement and representatives of the youngest generation. Contributors include professor Hana Librová, economist Naďa Johanisová, climatologist Alexander Ač, sociologist Tereza Stöckelová, as well as writers Pavla Horáková and Ivana…

Topics: Globalization, Climate Change, Environment

Publication Type: Other Publication

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A Forager’s Notebook: Invitation to Drift with(in) Tastes, Crops, and Landscapes

In October 2024, Lukáš Senft and Tereza Stöckelová from the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, along with Will LaFleur from the University of Helsinki, organized a workshop titled Foraging for Planetary Health: Exploring Multispecies Metabolism in a Postindustrial Landscape. The idea behind the workshop was to make standard production and distribution chains visible by bypassing them. We aimed to return to the roots of food preparation, learning to create meals and beverages without r…

Topics: Sociology of Sciences, Technology and society, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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The Position of Women in Czech Science 2022. Monitoring Report

The Position of Women in Czech Science 2022. Monitoring Report

Monitorovací zpráva informuje o zastoupení žen a mužů napříč vědními obory, akademickými sektory a sektory ekonomiky, včetně pozice České republiky v mezinárodním srovnání. Cílem publikace je poukázat na jeden z mnoha projevů genderové kultury v české vědě. Hodnoty, které máme k dispozici, dokládají výrazné disproporce, které v české vědě a výzkumu přetrvávají. Poukazují na to, že situace není příznivá, což dokládá i mezinárodní srovnání. Český výzkum …

Topics: Gender, Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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The Czech Household Panel Survey. Data Manual. Wave 6 (2023–2024)

The Czech Household Panel Survey. Data Manual. Wave 6 (2023–2024)

The Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) is a longitudinal survey, which repeatedly interviewed a random sample of households living in the Czech Republic. Between 2015 and 2019, five waves were carried out. In 2020 and 2021, two smaller data collections dedicated to the covid-19 disease pandemic took place. This data documentation describes these two covid-19 surveys. Data sets, questionnaires, documentation and other materials related to previous years of CHPS and ad hoc covid-19 surveys are published in the …

Topics: Sociological Data

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Czech Social Science Data Archive

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Sources of sex disaggregated data

Sources of sex disaggregated data

Topics: Gender, Entrepreneurship, Sociological Data

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Gender & sociologie

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Healthcare for People Experiencing Homelessness

Healthcare for People Experiencing Homelessness

Healthcare provided to people experiencing homelessness (PEH) represents a challenge for public healthcare systems at the system level, but also to professionals who provide the outpatient healthcare to PEH (Lester, Wright, & Heath, 2002). The usual healthcare systems settings aim at the majority population, which makes it difficult to reach by PEH. Social exclusion leads to underutilization of healthcare by these people (Nagy-Borsy et al., 2021) and results in seeking medical help only in urgent situ…

Topics: Housing, Care, Social Inequalities, Public Policy, Public health

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Lokální a regionální studia

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No coalition is an island: how pre-electoral coalitions at the national-level shape local elections

No coalition is an island: how pre-electoral coalitions at the national-level shape local elections

The rise of populist parties has affected the structure of electoral competition on the national level. To evaluate the depth of such changes, this paper examines whether pre-electoral coalitions (PEC) that contested the 2021 Czech general election aiming to replace the populist ANO in the government were replicated at the local level. Using the probit multilevel model estimated on the dyads, the results indicate that local pre-electoral coalitions were more likely to form if they were based on two (of three) …

Topics: Politics and Political Attitudes, Elections and Electoral Research

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Values and Politics

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Understanding precautionary savings behaviour: Insights from Czechia

Understanding precautionary savings behaviour: Insights from Czechia

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of precautionary savings across several dimensions. Using data from a survey of Czech households, it identifies the primary factors influencing whether households possess precautionary savings and save regularly, their subjective perception of the optimal level of precautionary savings, and the discrepancy between this perceived optimum and their actual savings. Findings highlight the crucial effect of household income, and the way households make ends meet that sh…

Topics: Economy, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Ekonomická a náboženská studia

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Gender Dimension in Research: a handbook for researchers

Gender Dimension in Research: a handbook for researchers

Gender Dimension in Research: a handbook for researchers aims to provide support to researchers in implementing the gender dimension in research and innovation in accordance with the requirements of Horizon Europe, GA ČR, TA ČR and other research funding organisations. It is a practical guide on how to integrate the gender dimension in different fields and contains both an overview of why and where the gender dimension is needed as well as specific tools for its implementation. ISBN 978-80-7330-421-8 (onlin…

Topics: Gender, Research Methodology

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Národní kontaktní centrum - gender a věda

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Low Participation of Researchers in ERC Grants: A Survey Analysis

Low Participation of Researchers in ERC Grants: A Survey Analysis

This study analyses the low participation of Czech researchers in prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grants, highlighting gender disparities and institutional challenges. Based on survey data from 218 researchers, the study reveals that while the majority of respondents considered participating in ERC grants (78%), only about third of them (29 %) actually applied for an the ERC grant. The study examines specific barriers that the respondents experience and highlights the differences in the responses o…

Topics: European Union, Gender, Work, Education

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Národní kontaktní centrum - gender a věda

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The Czech Household Panel Survey. Data Manual. Ad hoc covid-19 suveys 2020 a 2021

The Czech Household Panel Survey. Data Manual. Ad hoc covid-19 suveys 2020 a 2021

The Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) is a longitudinal survey, which repeatedly interviewed a random sample of households living in the Czech Republic. Between 2015 and 2019, five waves were carried out. In 2020 and 2021, two smaller data collections dedicated to the covid-19 disease pandemic took place. This data documentation describes these two covid-19 surveys. Data sets, questionnaires, documentation and other materials related to previous years of CHPS and ad hoc covid-19 surveys are published in the …

Topics: Sociological Data

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Český sociálněvědní datový archiv

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Století národní církve. Duchovní hledání Církve československé (husitské)

Století národní církve. Duchovní hledání Církve československé (husitské)

The Czechoslovak Church (since 1971 the Czechoslovak Hussite Church) was founded in 1920 in an attempt to stimulate the new Czech reformation. The new church wanted to provide modern, nationally conscious religion for (all) the citizens of recently established Czechoslovak Republic. It gained almost a million members and became the second largest Czech church for most of the 20th century. Since then, the church went through a remarkable theological and organizational development, built an unforgettable cultura…

Topics: Religion and religiosity

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Ekonomická a náboženská studia

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The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in High-Income Countries

The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in High-Income Countries

Earnings segregation at work is an understudied topic in social science, despite the workplace being an everyday nexus for social mixing, cohesion, contact, claims making, and resource exchange. It is all the more urgent to study as workplaces, in the last decades, have undergone profound reorganizations that could affect the magnitude and evolution of earnings segregation. Analyzing linked employer-employee panel administrative databases, the authors estimate the evolving isolation of higher earners from othe…

Topics: Digitalization, Trust/Social Cohesion, Elites, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Low-wage employment in Central and Eastern European Member States

Low-wage employment in Central and Eastern European Member States

his research note offers a comprehensive view of low-wage employment and its determinants, comparing Central and Eastern European (CEE) and Western European (WE) EU Member States. For some workers, low wage (defined as less than two-thirds of the national median wage) is merely a transitional phase towards higher-paying jobs, while others receive low wages for longer periods. Using the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data for 2004-2019, this study investigates the incidence and persiste…

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Health and healthcare use of homeless population: Evaluation study of joint social work and healthcare provision

Health and healthcare use of homeless population: Evaluation study of joint social work and healthcare provision

Background: Homelessness as an extreme form of poverty perpetuates and exacerbates health inequalities. People experiencing homelessness face a mortality rate 10 times higher than that of the general population, with an average age of death at 45. There is a significant disconnect between the mainstream healthcare system and the specific health needs of people experiencing homelessness, leading to substantial human and economic costs. Objective: The objective of this evaluation study is to assess the impact o…

Topics: Housing, Research Methodology, Care, Social Inequalities, Public Policy, Public health

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Lokální a regionální studia

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Developing critical thinking test for adolescents: A validity and reliability study from the Czech Republic

This article presents a comprehensive validation study of a Critical Thinking Test (CTT) conducted among Czech adolescents in 2023. It offers valuable insights into the psychometric properties, correlations, and predictors associated with analytical, evaluative and inferential abilities of critical thinking. While there are tools available for measuring critical thinking, they tend to be lengthy and inaccessible in the Czech language. Our study seeks to address this gap by developing a concise and effective to…

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Social Stratification

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Validation and psychometric evaluation of the Short Warwick‑Edinburgh Mental Well‑Being Scale (SWEMWBS) among Czech adolescents using Item Response Theory

Background: The topic of adolescent mental health is currently a subject of much debate due to the increasing prevalence of mental health problems among this age group. Therefore, it is crucial to have high-quality and validated mental well-being measurement tools. While such tools do exist, they are often not tailored specifically to adolescents and are not available in Czech language. The aim of this study is to validate and test the Czech version of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMW…

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Social Stratification

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Pivoting and positionality: entrepreneurship, care, and the Covid-19 pandemic in Czechia and the U.S.A.

Pivoting and positionality: entrepreneurship, care, and the Covid-19 pandemic in Czechia and the U.S.A.

Our research reveals how family and business pivot opportunities and decisions are intertwined and shaped by respondent social positionality in two country contexts—the USA and Czechia. Our findings underline the need for intersectional, contextual, and comparative analyses as they relate to positionality and entrepreneurship generally as well as to specific women SEBOs’ Covid-19 survival strategies. We offer policy insights for supporting women as diverse SEBOs, with a specific focus on crises influencing…

Topics: Care, Work

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & sociologie

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“This doctor knows shit about you, but the first thing he says is, ‘you need to lose some weight’”: Anti-fat bias and the contradictory effects of fat medicalization in Czech healthcare

The anti-fat bias that is built on the premised principle antagonism between a fat and a healthy body remains entrenched in healthcare. Despite evidence that being fat is conditioned by many factors beyond a person’s control, fatness is often seen as a result of irresponsible behavior and moral failure and fat patients report being exposed to mistreatment, discrimination, and shaming in healthcare. Drawing on semi-structured interviews and written testimonies, we examine the experiences of people with fat em…

Topics: Care, Public health, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Malé modulární reaktory pohledem veřejného mínení

Téma jaderné energetiky se v příštích letech přesune do centra veřejné diskuse. Tento vývoj loni předznamenalo dění kolem připravované výstavby nového bloku Jaderné elektrárny Dukovany a kolem zúžení počtu zvažovaných lokalit k umístění hlubinného úložiště v ČR na čtyři. Politické postoje k jádru střední Evropu rozdělují: státy V4 jádro vnímají jako součást přechodu k nízkoemisní energetice, Německo a Rakousko naopak energetickou budoucnost spatřují mimo j…

Topics: Economy, Energy, Transformation

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

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Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Published review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Measurement Invariance of Subjective Social Status: The Issue of Single-item Questions in Social Stratification Research

Measurement Invariance of Subjective Social Status: The Issue of Single-item Questions in Social Stratification Research

Measures of objective and subjective social status are commonly used in social stratification research. While objective measures have been extensively examined for cross-national comparability, subjective indicators have received less attention. This study aims to address this research gap by investigating the measurement invariance of the three most commonly used single-item measures of subjective social status across many countries. Using a Bayesian approximation approach, we analysed data from three waves o…

Topics: Research Methodology, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Social Stratification

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The outlooks of nuclear energy in society: Unraveling public attitudes in the context of climate and energy security challenges

The outlooks of nuclear energy in society: Unraveling public attitudes in the context of climate and energy security challenges

This article presents the results of a systematic literature review following the PRISMA protocol and answering the research question of how climate change or energy security considerations affect public attitudes towards nuclear energy. 82 articles published in English since 2011 and indexed in scientific databases were selected for the review. After providing quantitative bibliometric information, we conduct thematic analysis to describe qualitatively the main research themes traceable in the literature, usi…

Topics: Energy, Climate Change

Publication Type: Article with impact factor

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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