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2842 Publications

Measurement Invariance of Subjective Social Status: The Issue of Single-item Questions in Social Stratification Research

Measurement Invariance of Subjective Social Status: The Issue of Single-item Questions in Social Stratification Research

Measures of objective and subjective social status are commonly used in social stratification research. While objective measures have been extensively examined for cross-national comparability, subjective indicators have received less attention. This study aims to address this research gap by investigating the measurement invariance of the three most commonly used single-item measures of subjective social status across many countries. Using a Bayesian approximation approach, we analysed data from three waves o…

Themes: Research Methodology, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Gender and eco-domesticity: Are sustainable consumption and a return to the home emancipatory in Czechia?

Gender and eco-domesticity: Are sustainable consumption and a return to the home emancipatory in Czechia?

Recently, there has been renewed interest in homemaking and domestic practices and the revival of domesticity has become related with pro-environmental values and sustainable lifestyles in Western societies. The turn to domesticity tends to be associated with women. While some authors warn of a return to traditional gender roles within the household, others view eco-domesticity as a feminist project that values domestic practices. This article considers the gender-specific aspects of the revival in a post-soci…

Themes: Gender, City and Village, Care, Parenting, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Podnikání během pandemie a krize v kontextu genderových nerovností

Podnikání během pandemie a krize v kontextu genderových nerovností

Entrepreneurship during pandemics and crises in the context of gender inequalities. Policy brief. Whether the pandemic can be perceived as an opportunity to reduce gender inequality in entrepreneurship was the main question of the participatory workshop that we organized at the Institute of Sociology on March 13, 2024. The discussion during the participatory workshop focused on the barriers that women entrepreneurs face, the tools they can use to overcome them, the introduction of a attendance allowance for e…

Themes: Gender, Work

Publication Type: Other Publication

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The Mobility Interview: Triangulating Interview and GPS Data to Explore the Role of Mobility in Everyday Life

The Mobility Interview: Triangulating Interview and GPS Data to Explore the Role of Mobility in Everyday Life

This article presents a mixed-methods research protocol suitable for studying everyday mobility and its effects on life chances for a wide range of populations. We argue that it can address, among other issues, two important methodological challenges in the study of mobility: addressing pre-reflexivity and habits, as well as differentiating between voluntary and forced movements. The research protocol combines a problem-centered interview, two weeks of GPS tracking, and a subsequent mobility interview. …

Themes: Research Methodology, Migration and Mobility, Wages and Incomes, Technology, Age and Aging, Standard of Living

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Czech version of the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale

The aim of this study was to validate the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale (TSWLS Pavot et al., 1998) in the Czech language, including the examination of its psychometric properties and measurement invariance by gender and age. The TSWLS is a 15-item instrument for measuring life satisfaction (LS) from a temporal perspective allowing the comparison of the level of life satisfaction in the past, present, and future. The analysis was based on a representative research sample (N = 427) of Czech people older …

Themes: Research Methodology, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context

Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context

Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe reflects the political, welfare, and general social attitudes in the Czech Republic, which has 30 years of existence, in European comparison. In nine chapters, the team of contributors address understanding and evaluations of democracy, discriminated group identity, satisfaction with democracy, distributive justice beliefs, support for income redistribution, pay fairness, equity norms, life satisfaction, job satisfaction, subjective well-b…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion, European Union, Interpersonal Relations, Politics and Political Attitudes, Social Inequalities, Public Opinion

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Value Orientations in Society

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An insight into market and non-market alternative food networks in Czechia during Covid-19 and beyond

An insight into market and non-market alternative food networks in Czechia during Covid-19 and beyond

Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic affected food systems in many countries and emphasized a lot of already existing social, economic and environmental agri-food problems. Alternative food networks (AFNs), praised for their ability to improve the food systems, were under stress, however, at the same time, the changed conditions may have opened new possibilities. In this paper we address the importance of AFNs during the pandemic and investigate how households have changed their participation in AFNs. Our resea…

Themes: City and Village, Consumption, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2021

Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2021

The monitoring report on the position of women in Czech science provides up-to-date statistical data on the position of women in Czech research. The publication aims to inform about the representation of women and men across scientific fields, academic sectors and sectors of the economy, including the position of the Czech Republic in an international comparison. In addition, the report alco contains a section on incomes of researchers and the gender pay gap.English version (The Position of Women in Czech S…

Themes: Gender, Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Single-item measures of happiness and life satisfaction: the issue of cross-country invariance of popular general well-being measures

Single-item measures of happiness and life satisfaction: the issue of cross-country invariance of popular general well-being measures

Single-item measures of general well-being are increasingly being analysed cross-culturally but without clear evidence of comparability level attainment. The primary objective of this study is to examine the cross-country measurement invariance of the two most common single-item measures—general life satisfaction and happiness—across a large number of countries. For this purpose, 45 data sources from large-scale sample surveys conducted between 1976 and 2018 were used. This study presented a novel techniqu…

Themes: Research Methodology, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Item response theory-based psychometric analysis of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS) among adolescents in the UK

Background: Middle and late adolescence is the period in a person’s life that is most vulnerable to mental health problems. To enable an evidence base that can support policies to prevent such problems, it is crucial to have good quality, reliable, and accurate measurement tools for mental well-being. One of them is the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS). This study aimed to test the psychometric properties of the SWEMWBS on a large sample of adolescents aged 16 to 19 from the United …

Themes: Research Methodology, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Counter-strategizing after a dialogue failure: Stakeholder involvement and nuclear waste disposal in the Czech Republic

Counter-strategizing after a dialogue failure: Stakeholder involvement and nuclear waste disposal in the Czech Republic

This case study focuses on the temporal dynamics of stakeholder interaction to provide a sociological analysis of the deep geological repository siting process in the Czech Republic. By introducing the concept of counter-strategizing, it clarifies the shift in interaction after the state authorities backed out of a dialogue with local communities at pre-selected sites in 2016 but continued to push ahead with their siting mission. The study triangulates complementary data sources (interviews, focus groups, cont…

Themes: Energy, Sociological Theory, Technology

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Workers’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in  Central and Eastern Europe

Workers’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Central and Eastern Europe

This article analyses the determinants of worker satisfaction in Central and Eastern European countries, focusing on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, the latest European Social Survey data were utilised in a multilevel framework, covering 5681 workers from eight countries. The results suggest that both the general stringency of policies aimed at containing the spread of the COVID-19 contagion and the resulting disruptions to individuals’ working lives significantly affected the well-be…

Themes: Economy, Work

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Amount and Causes of Food Waste in Households from Perspective of Consumers – the Case Study of the Czech Republic

Food waste occurs throughout the food distribution chain, with households, i.e., consumers, accounting for the largest share of total food waste. Different methods can be used to determine how much food people waste in their households, with widely varying results. Direct measurement methods prove to be the most accurate, but due to their financial, logistical, and time-consuming nature, they are not very common, and therefore questionnaires based on subjective estimates of respondents are very often used. Thi…

Themes: Consumption

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Pandemic gardening: A narrative review, vignettes and implications for future research

There is a significant amount of evidence highlighting the health, wellbeing and social benefits of gardening during previous periods of crises. These benefits were also evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper presents a narrative review exploring gardening during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic to understand the different forms of gardening that took place during this crisis and key elements of this activity. Research about gardening during the pandemic focused on food (in)security and disr…

Themes: City and Village, Health, Environment, Lifestyle

Department: Local and regional studies

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Sleep quality and sleep routines as mediators of stressors and life satisfaction in Czech university students: a structural equation model

Introduction: Sleep is especially important to overall well-being. Some aspects of sleep have been well documented, for example sleep quantity and its effect on well-being, but the value of a consistent sleep routine remains poorly studied. University students are a population group especially susceptible to stress, mental health problems and poor sleep quality and experience changing daily schedules. Investigating the protective power of sleep in this population group is therefore an important avenue of rese…

Themes: Sociological Data, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Czech Social Science Data Archive

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Permaculture and back‐to‐the‐land migration: Pursuing self‐sufficiency in Czech rural areas

Permaculture and back‐to‐the‐land migration: Pursuing self‐sufficiency in Czech rural areas

This article focuses on the contemporary back-to-the-land migration of permaculture practitioners in post-socialist (1989–) Czechia. It explores the ideals and practices of self-sufficiency among back-to-the-land migrants as they relate to their migration motives and post-migration life, including the fulfilment of a dream of self-sufficiency and local community integration. This article deals with individual in-rural migrant projects and the experiences of permaculturists who live in intentional eco-communi…

Themes: City and Village, Migration and Mobility, Regions, Consumption, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Social Perception of Trees in the Landscape: The Connection Between Attitudes and Visual Preferences

Social Perception of Trees in the Landscape: The Connection Between Attitudes and Visual Preferences

The study presented in this paper uses a representative sample of the Czech population to analyse the relationships between attitudes to trees and preferences for landscapes with trees. We ask whether a positive assessment of the environmental benefits of trees in general and old and dead trees in particular leads to preferences for close-to-nature forms of the tree landscape. The results show that tree landscape preferences are primarily affected by attitudes attached to trees, rather than by sociodemographic…

Themes: Environment

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Energy literacy in Czechia and its influence on citizens’ perception of energy consumption behaviour

Energy literacy in Czechia and its influence on citizens’ perception of energy consumption behaviour

The analysis is based on a sample of 1015 citizens from Czechia. The cognitive energy literacy index (CELI), based on the knowledge of the energy mix in electricity production and the knowledge of the import/export of electricity in Czechia, is constructed in this article. The research aims to answer the following questions: What is the level of CELI within the population of Czechia? To what extent do the selected socio-demographic indicators affect the CELI? To what extent does CELI influence respondents' per…

Themes: Energy, Consumption, Public Policy, Environment

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Obedient mothers, healthy children: communication on the risks of reproduction in state-socialist Czechoslovakia

The article analyses medical communication in popular media relating to the risks in reproduction in the state-socialist Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989 and shows how it used emotions as an instrument to control women’s reproductive behaviour. In particular, we use an approach inspired by Donati’s (1992) political discourse analysis and by Snow and Bedford’s (1988) framing analysis to explore communication on the risk of infertility in the abortion debate, the risk of fetal abnormalities in the pren…

Themes: Gender, Parenting, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Žít ekofeminismus: Femivorismus a nová domesticita

Žít ekofeminismus: Femivorismus a nová domesticita

The lifestyle associated with ecofeminism turns towards the family, the home and local communities. This is not a simple reproduction of traditional gender roles, but rather a return to the possibilities of emancipation based on intelligence and creativity.…

Themes: Gender, Climate Change, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Popularization Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Economic strain in post-communist countries and the rest of Europe: Attitudes towards the unemployed and the old

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Value Orientations in Society

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Erasmus (+) student mobility: individual and institutional motivations and effects

The Erasmus programme was established in 1987, Erasmus has become the largest international student mobility programme in the world and is seen by Europeans as one of the most positive results achieved by the European Union. The chapter reviews, first, the literature on the motivations of students and institutions to take part in the Erasmus programme and its effects. It then makes use of data from a recent survey of over 700 HE leaders and 3,000 mobile staff to study institutional motivations and effects in g…

Themes: Education

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Value Orientations in Society

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Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2020

Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2020

In the publication, the NKC maps the position of women in science and innovation in the Czech Republic. The report has been published annually since 2005. It contains data on the representation of women in science and research across disciplines and economic sectors. You will also get an overview of the number of women in senior positions in science and research and the gender pay gap in academia. There is also an international comparison of the Czech Republic with other EU countries.…

Themes: Gender, Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Other Publication

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An Item Response Theory Analysis and Psychometric Properties of the Czech Version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale

The original version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) has been successfully tested in many studies, mainly using Classical Test Theory (CTT). Using Item Response Theory (IRT), this study examines psychometric properties of the original SWLS comprising five items, and its abbreviated versions and possible usage of a shorter response scale in a Czech data sample. IRT analysis was used to test the psychometric properties of the original SWLS, comprising five items rated on a 7-point Likert scale, and it…

Themes: Research Methodology

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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