Validation of CES-D8 among Czech university students during COVID-19 pandemic
Themes: Research Methodology
Social Jetlag in the Context of Work and Family
Themes: Work, Family, Lifestyle
Udržování církve ideály, z nichž se zrodila. Sociologické snahy v Církvi československé (husitské)
Themes: History of Sociology
A new version of ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’ for the western Balkans
Themes: European Union, Politics and Political Attitudes, Transformation
National parliaments’ role in the fight against corruption
Themes: European Union, Corruption, Politics and Political Attitudes
The new way of doing politics in times of elections
Themes: European Union, Politics and Political Attitudes
A new age of party democracy
Themes: European Union, Politics and Political Attitudes, Social Policy
The Technocratic Populist Loop: Clashes Between Parliamentary and Popular Sovereignty in EU’s Eastern and Southern Periphery
Themes: European Union, Historical Sociology, Politics and Political Attitudes
The ‘silent guardians’ in the fight against corruption: the case of North Macedonia
Themes: European Union, Legitimacy, Social Policy
Legitimation strategies and national parliaments: The case of anti-corruption Emilija Tudjarovska
Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion, European Union, Legitimacy, Politics and Political Attitudes
Geopolitical Change and EU Enlargement: Learning from the Past What lessons can the EU learn from past enlargement and accession policies?
Themes: Economy, Energy, European Union, Globalization, Legitimacy, Politics and Political Attitudes
Women and employment: advances and challenges in policies for women's labour-force participation in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the post-pandemic recovery
Themes: Economy, Gender
Sympoietic growth: living and producing with fungi in times of ecological distress
Themes: Economy, Sociology of Sciences, Environment
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Život podle ZOE: přísliby a meze výzkumu více-než-lidské jedinečnosti
Themes: Sociology of Sciences
Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Přepisování viru: Jak věda dělá skutečnost (nejen) v době epidemického rozrušení
Themes: Sociology of Sciences
Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Dobrá praxe rovného odměňování na Islandu
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes
Rodičovství a genderové mzdové rozdíly ve vybraných kontextech trhu práce před pandemií covidu-19 a na jejím začátku
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes, Care, Work, Parenting, Social Inequalities
Prodlužující se pracovní dráhy, digitalizace, propouštění a gender v peněžnictví
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes, Work, Social Inequalities, Age and Aging
“We Are in Control”: Instagram Influencers and the Proliferation of Conspiracy Narratives in Digital Spaces
Themes: Gender, Media, Health, Lifestyle
Výzkum ukázal, že se české domácnosti v důsledku pandemie více spoléhají na místní zdroje
Themes: Consumption, Environment, Lifestyle
Škola jako integrační partner
Themes: Migration and Mobility, Social Policy, Public Policy, Education
Publication Type: Other Publication
Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality
Themes: Economy, Elites, Gender, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities
Právní aspekty problematiky genderově podmíněného násilí na vysokých školách
Themes: Gender, Social Inequalities, Sociology of Sciences, Education
Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
The role of experts in forming family policy under an adversarial subsystem in the Czech Republic
Themes: Gender, Parenting, Social Policy
Gender a změny v dělbě práce v domácnostech s dětmi v době pandemie covidu-19
Themes: Gender, Work, Parenting
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