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3875 Publications

Traversing: Embodied Lifeworlds in the Czech Republic, by Susanna Trnka

Themes: Value Orientations, Intergenerational Relations, Interpersonal Relations, Sociological Theory

Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Emergent Consequences of Narrating Futures in Energy Transitions

Emergent Consequences of Narrating Futures in Energy Transitions

The paper presents a general theoretical argument about narrating futures and demonstrates its validity on the topic of energy transitions. It goes beyond the perspective of social constructionism and analyzes the temporal relationship between narratives, as employed in social interactions, and the reality of structural conditions in societies. The first part combines the morphogenetic approach of Margaret Archer and the narrative hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur to conceptualize emergent consequences, clarifying …

Themes: Sociological Theory, Technology, Transformation

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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The Transformation of Order in Narrative as Discordant Concord: Using Paul Ricoeur to Explore Narrative Realism as Part of Social Morphogenesis

The Transformation of Order in Narrative as Discordant Concord: Using Paul Ricoeur to Explore Narrative Realism as Part of Social Morphogenesis

Social interaction as the middle phase of the morphogenetic sequence described by Margaret Archer presupposes that interpretative activities go on between individuals and collectivities. Novel meanings emerge in social interaction and spur the processes of structural elaboration. The hermeneutics of actors (or agents) should be part of the morphogenetic explanatory framework. Narratives as a distinctive species of interpretation will then become more susceptible to a mode of analysis based in realism. By adopt…

Themes: Sociological Theory, Transformation

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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A Morphogenetic Approach to Social Aspects of Energy: The Case of Coal

A Morphogenetic Approach to Social Aspects of Energy: The Case of Coal

This chapter proposes the morphogenetic approach, as elaborated within the confines of Margaret Archer’s critical realism, as a suitable starting point for theoretically grounded research into social aspects of energy. It demonstrates in outline the suitability of this approach in the special case of coal, the mining and combustion of which epitomize the ambiguity of the industrial era. The chapter applies the morphogenetic approach in a way, which is both comprehensive and responsive to empirical data. The …

Themes: Gender, Climate Change, Sociological Theory, Technology

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Social Stratification

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Představy dětí o volném čase a jeho prožívání

The chapter focuses on issues related to the of children's experiencing of leisure. In the first part, ideas of children associated with leisure are presented. The second part focuses on how much leisure children have and how satisfied they are with spending it. Parents and friends have a big influence on what children do in their leisure. Therefore, the third part focuses on how the children themselves evaluate their influence and also the influence of some other people, and how often the children spend their…

Themes: Lifestyle

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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Volný čas dětí na prahu třetího desetiletí 21. století

The chapter presents the main results from the representative survey of older school-age children, How children spend and experience their leisure 2021. It first focuses on time spent with digital media, especially with a computer, tablet or mobile phone (ICT), then on sports and physical activities, participation in extracurricular activities, spending leisure time with friends and finally on cultural and social activities (reading books, going to the cinema, etc.).…

Themes: Culture, Media, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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Veiling Religion: The Public Face of Czech Re-Entry Faith-Based Organizations

Veiling Religion: The Public Face of Czech Re-Entry Faith-Based Organizations

Due to the lack of sufficient non-governmental prisoner re-entry services in the Czech Republic, many post-release activities are provided by faith-based organizations (FBOs). However, the Czech Republic is considered to be one of the most atheistic countries in the world. Most of the Czech population is at least apathetic toward organized religion. This study examines how re-entry FBOs present Christianity to the public in the religiously indifferent Czech Republic. The primary focus is on how the organizatio…

Themes: Criminality, COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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25 Years of Czech Democracy through the Eyes of the Public

Publikace představuje vývoj veřejného mínění ve vztahu k politickému systému a jeho aktérům, a to jak v dimenzi vnitřní, tak i zahraniční politiky. Její ambicí je komplexně a v širokých dobových souvislostech zmapovat procesy, které byly a dosud jsou charakteristické pro občanské vnímání a hodnocení transformace po roce 1989. Všechny prezentované interpretace se opírají o výsledky šetření, která byla realizována Centrem pro výzkum veřejného mínění Sociologického ú…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Česká a slovenská národní identita v percepci Československa

Rozdělení Československa je významná dějinná událost, která zásadně formovala a stále formuje národní identity Čechů a Slováků. Zároveň se tyto identity promítly v této dějinné události. Ačkoliv si oba národy byly velmi blízké a tento vztah jim zůstal i nadále, odlišný demografický vývoj a hodnotové orientace se odrážely i v jejich novém směřování po Sametové revoluci v roce 1989. Tato kapitola nejen dokládá tyto rozdíly, ale také mapuje veřejné mínění v kri…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Public opinion and public policy in the Czech Republic

This chapter examines the relationship between public opinion and public policy. The first part of the chapter is devoted to the relationship of public opinion and public policy at the theoretical level and presents different concepts and empirical ways of exploring this relationship. The second part is devoted to the history of the public opinion research in the Czech Republic and on several examples analyses the relationship between public opinion and public policy.…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Public opinion and public policy in the Czech Republic

This chapter examines the relationship between public opinion and public policy. The first part of the chapter is devoted to the relationship of public opinion and public policy at the theoretical level and presents different concepts and empirical ways of exploring this relationship. The second part is devoted to the history of the public opinion research in the Czech Republic and on several examples analyses the relationship between public opinion and public policy.…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Webové archivy a sociální vědy: příležitosti, problémy a řešení

Tento článek se věnuje úvodu do problematiky webových archivů, které mohou sloužit jako zdroj dat částečně vypovídající o dynamické proměně současné společnosti a komunikace. V první části článku je představen smysl webových archivů a jejich současné institucionální zakotvení jak v České republice, tak v zahraničí. V druhé části je diskutována otázka přístupu k datům z webových archivů. Omezení v přístupu jsou na jedné straně technická, kdy se musí výzkum…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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The network structure of trust in the COVID-19 pandemic

Trust is considered an essential part of a democratic society. That is why it is important to pay attention to it, especially in times of crisis. Some recent studies have introduced a new approach to examining attitudes and trust using social network analysis. The aim of our study is to examine the relationship between different types of trust during the coronavirus crisis. Using a sample representative of the adult population of the Czech Republic, our text discusses what the network structure of trust is lik…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Apportioning Uncertain Voters in Pre-Election Polls in a Multi-Party System

In recent decades, voters have been postponing their decisions about what party to vote for to a time closer to the elections. One factor in this delay is when people are considering more than one political party. Drawing on two data sets from the general elections in the Czech Republic, we present an approach that assigns a person’s vote to multiple considered parties. We test the impact of the different apportioning of probabilities on the overall accuracy of poll estimates and on the estimates for each po…

Themes: Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Paralely a odlišnosti sociálních situací s panickým potenciálem - příklad RMU a pandemie koronaviru v české společnosti

A research report with main outputs of the survey conducted under the project Parallels and Differences of Social Situations with Panic Potential - an example of RMU and a coronavirus pandemic in Czech…

Themes: Health

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Veřejné mínění o vzdělávání – Sekundární analýza

This final report is the first of seven research reports produced within the project Public(s), education and education policy: values, attitudes, reasoning, and experience (short title Public opinion on education). The project aims to map the views of different publics (actors) on education policy measures, assuming that these views are linked to broader attitudes towards education and the values held by actors in relation to education. The present report first introduces its objectives, followed by a review …

Themes: Public Opinion, Education

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva zaměřená na kumulativní efekty sociálního znevýhodnění na zdraví a kvalitu života

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Social Stratification

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Childlessness and Barriers to Gay Parenthood in Czechia

This mixed‐methods article focuses on childlessness and barriers to parenthood among non‐heterosexual men in Czechia. On the quantitative sample of 419 men (165 gays, 125 bisexuals, and 129 heterosexuals with same‐sex romantic/sexual attraction), recruited on a representative online panel, we map the parenting desires, intentions, and perceived barriers to parenthood. Our analysis identifies a substantial group of gay men without parenting desires and intentions compared to heterosexuals and bisexuals, a…

Themes: Gender, Parenting

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Občanská vybavenost v malých obcích: Podpora služeb na venkově

Občanská vybavenost v malých obcích: Podpora služeb na venkově

Výzkumná zpráva popisuje existující způsoby podpory obslužnosti venkovských obcí ze strany státu a územních samospráv a různé alternativní způsoby zajišťování služeb a jejich dopady.…

Themes: City and Village, Regions

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Local and regional studies

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Občanská vybavenost v malých obcích: Význam, využívání a udržitelnost služeb

Občanská vybavenost v malých obcích: Význam, využívání a udržitelnost služeb

Výzkumná zpráva se zabývá mírou využití jednotlivých typů lokálních venkovských služeb, jejich významem pro různé sociální skupiny a pociťovanou důležitostí ze strany obyvatel obcí a regionálních aktérů. Zároveň zpráva popisuje, jaké důsledky mají pro lokální vybavenost venkovských obcí změny tržního a spotřebního chování obyvatel venkova, a jaký vliv má vybavenost obcí na pociťovanou rezidenční spokojenost.…

Themes: City and Village, Regions

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Local and regional studies

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Subjective equivalence scales in Eastern versus Western European countries

Subjective equivalence scales in Eastern versus Western European countries

We show that economies of scale estimated individually for each EU country differ from the officially adopted OECD‐modified scale the differences across the countries further confirm the prevailing East‐West disparity. Using the minimum income question in the 2019 EU‐Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey, we demonstrate that applying the estimated country-specific subjective equivalence scales, instead of the uniform OECD-modified scale, results in up to a 6 pp change in the at‐risk‐of‐…

Themes: European Union, Wages and Incomes, Standard of Living

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Faktory nadhodnocení odhadních cen: analýza rozdílů mezi kupními a odhadními cenami bytů v roce 2019

Faktory nadhodnocení odhadních cen: analýza rozdílů mezi kupními a odhadními cenami bytů v roce 2019

Obsahem druhé části dvoudílné studie, která je jedním z výstupů projektu „Zvýšení transparentnosti hypotečního trhu v ČR rozšířením datové základny pro sledování a odhad cen nemovitostí“ podpořeného Technologickou agenturou ČR (TAČR) pod číslem TL03000212, je porovnání výše kupních a odhadních cen bytů v roce 2019 a analýza hlavních faktorů vysvětlujících případné rozdíly mezi nimi. Kupní ceny byly získány z evidence Českého úřadu zeměměřičského a …

Themes: Housing, Economy

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Socioeconomics of Housing

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Datové zdroje pro srovnání kupních a odhadních cen nemovitostí

Datové zdroje pro srovnání kupních a odhadních cen nemovitostí

Obsahem první části dvoudílné studie, která je výstupem z projektu „Zvýšení transparentnosti hypotečního trhu v ČR rozšířením datové základny pro sledování a odhad cen nemovitostí“ podpořeného Technologickou agenturou ČR (TAČR) pod číslem TL03000212, je popis a definice dat o nemovitostech (včetně odhadních cen) sbíraných jedním z hlavních poskytovatelů hypotečních úvěrů v ČR, Českou spořitelnou, a.s., a popis a definice dat o nemovitostech (včetně kupních cen…

Themes: Housing, Economy

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Socioeconomics of Housing

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Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & Sociology

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