To be or not to be a parent? Parenting aspiration of men with non-normative sexual identities in Czechia.
Themes: Gender, Parenting, Family, Sexuality
Rodičovské plány a cesty k rodičovství gayů a leseb
Themes: Gender, Parenting, Family, Sexuality
Bohoslužebné objekty Církve československé (husitské) v kvantitativní optice
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
Tomáš Bubík – Atko Remmel – David Václavík (eds.): Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
Kateřina Čapková – Hillel J. Kieval (eds.): Židé v českých zemích. Společná cesta dějinami
Themes: Historical Sociology
Dobré praxe rovného odměňování v kostce
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes
Dobrá praxe rovného odměňování Švýcarsko
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes
Perception of the Connection between the Covid-19 Pandemic and Climate Change in the Czech blogosphere
Themes: Internet, Climate Change, Media
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Nízké mzdy v Česku: Ekonomické a sociální souvislosti
Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes, Work
Low-Wage Employment in Czechia: A Persistent Burden
Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes, Work
Institutional work in Czech and US business assistance programmes and implications for entrepreneurial inclusion
Themes: Gender, Work, Public Policy
Stromy: postoje a vizuální preference
Themes: Environment
Publication Type: Chapter in Conference Proceedings
Department: Local and regional studies
HandsOn Screen: Influencers and Digital Intimacy on Instagram
Themes: Internet, Social Capital, Lifestyle
Religion in the Lyrics of the Czech Underground
Themes: Culture
Zora Procházková – Jan David: Povstání z pokleku. Pražské bohoslužby v šedesátých letech 20. století III.
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
Disability and the (dysbiotic) gut: Sensing, tasting and knowing with food
Themes: Health
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Politicisation of the Domestic: Populist Narratives About Covid‐19 Among Influencers
Themes: Gender, Internet, Politics and Political Attitudes
‘I’m Always Telling You My Honest Opinion’: Influencers and Gendered Authenticity Strategies on Instagram
Themes: Gender, Internet, Culture, Media
Cultures of Authenticity
Themes: Gender, Culture, Media
Does Location Matter? Fear of Crime and its Determinants in Disadvantaged and More Affluent Neighborhoods in Czechia
Themes: Criminality
Restorative Justice Programs in Czech Prisons: The Role of Perceived Usefulness and Familiarity with the Program
Themes: Criminality
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Themes: Gender, Parenting
The importance of christianity, customs, and traditions in the national identities of European countries
Themes: Identity, Culture, COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
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