The space behind the garden: Inconspicuous land-related care in Czechia
Themes: Climate Change, Environment
Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world.
Themes: Consumption, Environment
Quiet sustainability: Fertile lessons from Europe's productive gardeners.
Themes: Consumption, Environment, Lifestyle
Sustainability and the "urban peasant": rethinking the cultural politics of food self-provisioning in the Czech Republic.
Themes: Climate Change, Consumption, Environment
From coping strategy to hopeful everyday practice: Changing interpretations of food self-provisioning.
Themes: Climate Change, Consumption, Environment
Rezidenční kontext a různé formy nerovností – sociologické perspektivy.
Themes: City and Village, Regions, Social Inequalities
Příjmy v periferiích
Themes: Wages and Incomes, Regions, Social Inequalities
Dodatek: Jak jsme zkoumali periferie? Metodologické postupy využité při výzkumu
Themes: Research Methodology
Kde je v Česku periferní venkov?
Themes: Regions, Social Inequalities
„Vlastně dělám toho taxikáře, musím ty děti rozvážet“: Rodiny, péče o děti a problém skloubení péče a zaměstnání v periferiích.
Themes: Care, Work, Regions, Social Inequalities
Two faces of peripherality: labour markets, poverty, and population dynamics in Hungary and Czechia.
Themes: Regions, Social Inequalities
Prekérní práce na periferním venkově.
Themes: Work, Regions, Social Inequalities
Spokojenost se životem ve venkovských periferiích.
Themes: City and Village, Regions, Social Inequalities
Retirees are also stratified: pre-retirement socio-occupational status and the well-being of older adults in Central Europe
Themes: Social Inequalities, Age and Aging, Standard of Living
Střední školy v regionech Česka: ovlivňuje periferní poloha nabídku škol, poptávku po nich a úspěšnost jejich studentů?
Themes: City and Village, Regions, Social Inequalities, Education
Analyzing social disadvantage in rural peripheries in Czechia and Eastern Germany: Conceptual model and study design.
Themes: City and Village, Regions, Social Inequalities
European food systems in a regional perspective: A comparative study of the effect of COVID-19 on households and city-region food systems
Themes: City and Village, Regions, Health, Lifestyle
"Ethnographies of urban change: introducing homelessness and the post-socialist city."
Themes: City and Village
Dostupnost veřejnou dopravou: simulace využitelnosti veřejné dopravy v každodenních situacích
Themes: City and Village, Regions
Nerovnosti při přechodu na osmileté gymnázium: panelová studie žáků pražských a středočeských škol
Themes: Culture, Family, Social Inequalities, Education
Rozdíl v odměňování žen a mužů, efekt rodičovství a prekarity
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes
Linked employer-employee data týkající se mezd a rodičovství: Dobrá praxe v zahraničí a právní analýza ČR
Themes: Gender, Wages and Incomes
Better stories for a gender equal and fairer social recovery from outbreaks: learnings from the RESISTIRÉ project
Themes: Gender, Civil Society
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Dual responsibilization for housing in a housing crisis: young adults in the Czech Republic
Themes: Housing, Intergenerational Relations, Social Inequalities
Intermediation in design as a practice of institutioning and commoning
Themes: Technology
Publication Type: Reviewed Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
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