Faith-based social service delivery in a country with low religious affiliation: The case of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita, Social Inequalities
Jan Boštík: Mladočovské Jericho. Kolektivizace jedné vesnice.
Themes: Historical Sociology
Stephan Steiner: ‘Das Reich Gottes hier in Wien.‘ Evangelisches Leben in der Reichshaupstadt während der Regierungsjahre Kaiser Karls VI.
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
Meziválečná americká sociologie v obrazech: fotoalbum Otakara Machotky
Themes: History of Sociology
Nation (Un)masked: Imagined Immunities and Responsible Citizenship in a Postsocialist Pandemic.
Themes: Health
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Volební volatilita v postkomunistické Evropě
Themes: Civil Society, Elections and Electoral Research
Spokojenost s partnerským vztahem, názory na partnerství a partnerské násilí
Themes: Criminality, Interpersonal Relations
Nutritional Practices and Experiences of People on Vegan Diet with Healthcare System: A Qualitative Study
Themes: Health, Environment, Lifestyle
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Pojištění v českých domácnostech
Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes
Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries
Themes: Gender
Single-item measures of happiness and life satisfaction: the issue of cross-country invariance of popular general well-being measures
Themes: Research Methodology, Health
Joanna Maurer: Sousedé. Migrace Poláků do Česka a Čechů do Polska po roce 2004.
Themes: Migration and Mobility
Online marketingová komunikace cílící na děti školního věku
Themes: Media, Education
Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Health Strategies During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
Themes: Gender, Social Policy, Health
Low Pay and Political Attitudes in Europe: Is There an East-West Divide?
Themes: Economy, Value Orientations, Wages and Incomes, Politics and Political Attitudes
Item response theory-based psychometric analysis of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS) among adolescents in the UK
Themes: Research Methodology, Health
Counter-strategizing after a dialogue failure: Stakeholder involvement and nuclear waste disposal in the Czech Republic
Themes: Energy, Sociological Theory, Technology
Testování psychometrických vlastností a ekvivalence české verze Škály spokojenosti se životem (SWLS) pomocí metod konfirmační faktorové analýzy, teorie odpovědi na položku a bayesovského modelování
Themes: Research Methodology, Health
Workers’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Central and Eastern Europe
Themes: Economy, Work
Půjčky, úvěry a zadluženost v českých domácnostech
Themes: Debts, Economy, Wages and Incomes
Zdravotní sestry a jejich prožívání dvojí péče v době pandemie covidu-19
Themes: Gender, Care, Parenting, Health
Amount and Causes of Food Waste in Households from Perspective of Consumers – the Case Study of the Czech Republic
Themes: Consumption
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable Groups
Themes: Gender
Publication Type: Reviewed Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable Groups
Themes: Gender
Publication Type: Reviewed Article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
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