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3875 Publications

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Nation (Un)masked: Imagined Immunities and Responsible Citizenship in a Postsocialist Pandemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed a dramatic need for modes of solidarity and responsibility that take into account welfare of others and simultaneously stem from the recognition of global co-dependency and shared vulnerabilities. Using the concepts of ‘imagined immunity’ and ‘competing responsibilities’, this article examines the ways in which experiences, skills and discourses of the socialist past were mobilized during the first year of the pandemic in the Czech Republic in diverse, often contradictory…

Themes: Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Volební volatilita v postkomunistické Evropě

Volební volatilita v postkomunistické Evropě

V západní Evropě sice volební volatilita za posledních třicet až čtyřicet let významně narostla, skutečnou explozi voličské nestability ovšem spojujeme se zeměmi bývalého komunistického bloku ve východní Evropě. Tato publikace se proto zaměřuje na výzkum volební volatility v 11 postkomunistických státech střední a východní Evropy od roku 1990 do roku 2020. Volební volatilitu studie chápe jako změnu voličské preference ve volbách jdoucích po sobě. Jelikož přechody voli…

Themes: Civil Society, Elections and Electoral Research

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Values and Politics

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Spokojenost s partnerským vztahem, názory na partnerství a partnerské násilí

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Hodnoty a politika

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Nutritional Practices and Experiences of People on Vegan Diet with Healthcare System: A Qualitative Study

Objectives: The growing popularity of diets that restrict the consumption of animal-based foods is an important new challenge for the public healthcare system in Czechia. While the environmental and health-related benefits of plant-based diets are widely discussed in the media, people who follow these diets may lack professional support in terms of nutritional advice and even access to healthcare. The present study aims to map the nutritional practices and experiences with the healthcare system of people in Cz…

Themes: Health, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Pojištění v českých domácnostech

Pojištění v českých domácnostech

Pojištění zvyšuje blahobyt domácností tím, že přenáší nejistotu z jednotlivců, kteří se vyhýbají riziku, na instituce, které jsou vůči riziku neutrální. Hlavním motivem pro nákup pojištění je tedy averze k riziku s cílem vyhnout se ztrátě. Pojištění může zlepšovat finanční odolnost a celkovou finanční stabilitu domácností s obzvláště velkým významem pro domácnosti s nižšími příjmy.Poptávka domácností po pojištění závisí na mnoha faktorech, zahrnuj…

Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Single-item measures of happiness and life satisfaction: the issue of cross-country invariance of popular general well-being measures

Single-item measures of happiness and life satisfaction: the issue of cross-country invariance of popular general well-being measures

Single-item measures of general well-being are increasingly being analysed cross-culturally but without clear evidence of comparability level attainment. The primary objective of this study is to examine the cross-country measurement invariance of the two most common single-item measures—general life satisfaction and happiness—across a large number of countries. For this purpose, 45 data sources from large-scale sample surveys conducted between 1976 and 2018 were used. This study presented a novel techniqu…

Themes: Research Methodology, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Online marketingová komunikace cílící na děti školního věku

Online marketingová komunikace cílící na děti školního věku

Online prostředí je plné různých forem marketingové komunikace, přičemž řadu z nich není na první pohled snadné rozeznat od běžného obsahu. Kvůli své nezkušenosti právě děti, o nichž je tato kniha, snáze podléhají marketingovým sdělením, která pak ovlivňují jejich nákupní preference. Respondenty našeho výzkumu byly děti ve věku 10–13 let, které jsou spotřebiteli i zákazníky a zároveň hrají významnou roli při nákupním rozhodování v rodině. Je proto nanejvý…

Themes: Media, Education

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Health Strategies During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Health Strategies During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

The topic of safeguarding against sickness grew in importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. People’s health was more at risk, yet not all had the same capacity and options to deal with it. Therefore, this article focuses on the under-researched topic of choice of strategies and individual practices for safeguarding against one’s sickness among micro-entrepreneurs (with 1–10 employees) before and during the pandemic, namely on the example of Czechia. We analyse 30 qualitative interviews with micro-entrepr…

Themes: Gender, Social Policy, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Low Pay and Political Attitudes in Europe: Is There an East-West Divide?

Low Pay and Political Attitudes in Europe: Is There an East-West Divide?

Employing 2018 European Social Survey data in a multilevel framework, the paper aims to estimate the effect of working for low pay on a wide range of political attitudes and to explain the attitudinal differences between the Central and Eastern European (CEE) and Western European regions based on their differing socioeconomic and political background. The results suggest that it is mainly the lower living standard of inhabitants together with widespread wage inequality and not the specific legacy of the commun…

Themes: Economy, Value Orientations, Wages and Incomes, Politics and Political Attitudes

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Item response theory-based psychometric analysis of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS) among adolescents in the UK

Background: Middle and late adolescence is the period in a person’s life that is most vulnerable to mental health problems. To enable an evidence base that can support policies to prevent such problems, it is crucial to have good quality, reliable, and accurate measurement tools for mental well-being. One of them is the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS). This study aimed to test the psychometric properties of the SWEMWBS on a large sample of adolescents aged 16 to 19 from the United …

Themes: Research Methodology, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Counter-strategizing after a dialogue failure: Stakeholder involvement and nuclear waste disposal in the Czech Republic

Counter-strategizing after a dialogue failure: Stakeholder involvement and nuclear waste disposal in the Czech Republic

This case study focuses on the temporal dynamics of stakeholder interaction to provide a sociological analysis of the deep geological repository siting process in the Czech Republic. By introducing the concept of counter-strategizing, it clarifies the shift in interaction after the state authorities backed out of a dialogue with local communities at pre-selected sites in 2016 but continued to push ahead with their siting mission. The study triangulates complementary data sources (interviews, focus groups, cont…

Themes: Energy, Sociological Theory, Technology

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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Testování psychometrických vlastností a ekvivalence české verze Škály spokojenosti se životem (SWLS) pomocí metod konfirmační faktorové analýzy, teorie odpovědi na položku a bayesovského modelování

Testování psychometrických vlastností a ekvivalence české verze Škály spokojenosti se životem (SWLS) pomocí metod konfirmační faktorové analýzy, teorie odpovědi na položku a bayesovského modelování

The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is one of the most commonly used instruments for measuring life satisfaction. The aim of this study is to test the psychometric properties of the Czech version of the SWLS using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Item Response Theory (IRT) and to test its invariance between social groups in terms of gender, age, and education using Bayesian modelling on a representative sample of the Czech online population, as the scale has not yet been tested on representative data…

Themes: Research Methodology, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Workers’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in  Central and Eastern Europe

Workers’ Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Central and Eastern Europe

This article analyses the determinants of worker satisfaction in Central and Eastern European countries, focusing on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, the latest European Social Survey data were utilised in a multilevel framework, covering 5681 workers from eight countries. The results suggest that both the general stringency of policies aimed at containing the spread of the COVID-19 contagion and the resulting disruptions to individuals’ working lives significantly affected the well-be…

Themes: Economy, Work

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Půjčky, úvěry a zadluženost v českých domácnostech

Půjčky, úvěry a zadluženost v českých domácnostech

V čem můžou být půjčky a úvěry prospěšné a jaká jsou jejich rizika?Využívání půjček a úvěrů je jedním z pilířů finanční odolnosti a stability domácností. Půjčky a úvěry domácností jsou běžné ve všech vyspělých zemích, přičemž nutně nemusí mít k negativní důsledky. Moderní společnost je zvyklá žít alespoň částečně na úvěr a půjčky jsou rozšířené ve všech skupinách napříč obyvatelstvem. Zadlužení má však ve vztahu k finanční odolno…

Themes: Debts, Economy, Wages and Incomes

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Zdravotní sestry a jejich prožívání dvojí péče v době pandemie covidu-19

The pandemic highlighted the importance of both formal and informal care and magnified gender inequalities in this area. Women were more represented in care-related frontline professions (including nurses), but they were also more often responsible for providing childcare when institutions (especially schools and nurseries) were closed. This paper builds on criticism aimed at the separate study of formal and informal care and explores the interconnections between the two in the case of Czech nurses with young …

Themes: Gender, Care, Parenting, Health

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Amount and Causes of Food Waste in Households from Perspective of Consumers – the Case Study of the Czech Republic

Food waste occurs throughout the food distribution chain, with households, i.e., consumers, accounting for the largest share of total food waste. Different methods can be used to determine how much food people waste in their households, with widely varying results. Direct measurement methods prove to be the most accurate, but due to their financial, logistical, and time-consuming nature, they are not very common, and therefore questionnaires based on subjective estimates of respondents are very often used. Thi…

Themes: Consumption

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Public Opinion Research Centre

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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable Groups

Various research studies suggest that women and other vulnerable groups are the ones who were impacted most and who continue to suffer from the economic and social effects of the pandemic. However, these groups have often been omitted from the measures mitigating the pandemic impact due to their invisibility in the policy-knowledge nexus. This article draws on the findings from the international RESISTIRÉ research project, which focuses on how COVID-19 policies impacted gendered inequalities in Europe. Buildi…

Themes: Gender

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Gender+ Inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The Heteronormativity of Anti- Pandemic Measures and Their Impact on Vulnerable Groups

Various research studies suggest that women and other vulnerable groups are the ones who were impacted most and who continue to suffer from the economic and social effects of the pandemic. However, these groups have often been omitted from the measures mitigating the pandemic impact due to their invisibility in the policy-knowledge nexus. This article draws on the findings from the international RESISTIRÉ research project, which focuses on how COVID-19 policies impacted gendered inequalities in Europe. Buildi…

Themes: Gender

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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