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3875 Publications

Nevědění jako faktor v nepravidelné regulaci domácího násilí na ženách v zrcadle pandemie covidu-19

In this article, we interpret some of the findings from an extensive explorative qualitative study conducted from April to December 2020 that used semi-structured interviews, interviews with clients of an assistance-providing organisation, and analyses of concrete cases from the period of the first pandemic lockdown in the Czech Republic. Domestic violence, especially in the form of intimate partner violence against women, was expected to grow in intensity as a result of the social crisis triggered by the COVI…

Themes: Gender

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Pandemic gardening: A narrative review, vignettes and implications for future research

Pandemic gardening: A narrative review, vignettes and implications for future research

There is a significant amount of evidence highlighting the health, wellbeing and social benefits of gardening during previous periods of crises. These benefits were also evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper presents a narrative review exploring gardening during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic to understand the different forms of gardening that took place during this crisis and key elements of this activity. Research about gardening during the pandemic focused on food (in)security and disr…

Themes: City and Village, Health, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Sleep quality and sleep routines as mediators of stressors and life satisfaction in Czech university students: a structural equation model

Introduction: Sleep is especially important to overall well-being. Some aspects of sleep have been well documented, for example sleep quantity and its effect on well-being, but the value of a consistent sleep routine remains poorly studied. University students are a population group especially susceptible to stress, mental health problems and poor sleep quality and experience changing daily schedules. Investigating the protective power of sleep in this population group is therefore an important avenue of rese…

Themes: Sociological Data, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Czech Social Science Data Archive

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Genderové rozdíly v odměňování a rodičovství: možnosti inovace ISPV

Genderové rozdíly v odměňování a rodičovství: možnosti inovace ISPV

Cílem publikace je najít cestu k tomu, jak inovovat ISPV (Informační systém o průměrném výdělku), aby na jeho základě šlo analyzovat data o vlivu rodičovství na mzdy a genderové mzdové rozdíly přímo z těchto dat. Jde přitom o unikátní data propojující zaměstnané osoby s jejich zaměstnavateli (tzv. linked employer-employee data), která jsou v současnosti nejkvalitnějším datovým zdrojem pro analýzu rozdílů v odměňování v ČR. Údaje o rodičovství v tomto datovém z…

Themes: Gender, Work

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Permaculture and back‐to‐the‐land migration: Pursuing self‐sufficiency in Czech rural areas

Permaculture and back‐to‐the‐land migration: Pursuing self‐sufficiency in Czech rural areas

This article focuses on the contemporary back-to-the-land migration of permaculture practitioners in post-socialist (1989–) Czechia. It explores the ideals and practices of self-sufficiency among back-to-the-land migrants as they relate to their migration motives and post-migration life, including the fulfilment of a dream of self-sufficiency and local community integration. This article deals with individual in-rural migrant projects and the experiences of permaculturists who live in intentional eco-communi…

Themes: City and Village, Migration and Mobility, Regions, Consumption, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Publication Type: Publication Review

Department: Gender & Sociology

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„Sdílím s vámi svoji cestu“: Influencerství a wellness spiritualita v online komunitách

Tzv. spirituální infl uenceři se v českém prostředí zviditelnili během pandemie COVID-19, jejich popularita nadále roste a vyvolává kontroverze ve veřejné debatě. Fenomén spirituálního influencerství je možné propojit s institucí „gurus“ a zároveň je nutné ho vnímat v kontextu digitálního prostoru a sociálních sítí, se kterým je bytostně propojený. Článek analyzuje fenomén spirituálního infl uencerství právě v těchto souvislostech a na příkladech z česk…

Themes: Internet, Media, COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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Social Perception of Trees in the Landscape: The Connection Between Attitudes and Visual Preferences

Social Perception of Trees in the Landscape: The Connection Between Attitudes and Visual Preferences

The study presented in this paper uses a representative sample of the Czech population to analyse the relationships between attitudes to trees and preferences for landscapes with trees. We ask whether a positive assessment of the environmental benefits of trees in general and old and dead trees in particular leads to preferences for close-to-nature forms of the tree landscape. The results show that tree landscape preferences are primarily affected by attitudes attached to trees, rather than by sociodemographic…

Themes: Environment

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Společenská percepce stromů

Společenská percepce stromů

Jak vnímáme staré stromy a jakou hodnotu jim přikládali lidé dříve? Máme dnes ještě zájem o starobylé mohutné stromy a jejich svědectví? A jak se vůbec lidská společnost vztahovala ke stromům v historii (památné stromy, paměť stromů) a jak s nimi nakládá v současnosti (stromy v zemědělství, stromy jako symbol či jako klíčová komponenta lesních ekosystémů)? Jak například poznáme, že se stromy používaly pro těžbu pryskyřice? Jaké jsou stopy tradičního ořezáván…

Themes: Environment

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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Finanční náročnost bydlení v českých domácnostech

Finanční náročnost bydlení v českých domácnostech

Náklady na bydlení obecně představují nejvýznamnější položku spotřebních výdajů domácností. Zatímco průměrná evropská domácnost za bydlení včetně energií a dalších plateb utratila v roce 2021 25 % svého rozpočtu, v Česku to bylo dokonce 28 %.Náklady na bydlení se do velké míry odvíjejí od toho, zda domácnost žije ve vlastním bytě či domě, zda má hypotéku či půjčku, nebo zda bydlí v nájmu. V Česku žilo v roce 2021 78 % lidí v domácnostech, které vlastni…

Themes: Housing, Economy, Wages and Incomes

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Kriminalita a COVID-19 v Česku: souvislosti omezení fungování společnosti a nápadu kriminality v regionech

Kriminalita a COVID-19 v Česku: souvislosti omezení fungování společnosti a nápadu kriminality v regionech

Covid-19 významně ohrozil nejen zdraví obyvatelstva a fungování zdravotnictví, ale i mnoho dalších oblastí lidského života. Epidemiologická opatření narušila běžné fungování společnosti a odrazila se i ve fungování kriminality a bezpečnostních složek. Proměny a dopady těchto omezení a opatření, zejména omezení pohybu (tzv. lockdowny), dokumentuje zpráva pomocí porovnání struktury a intenzity kriminality "před" obdobím covidu (2018-2019), "během" něj (2020) a "po" n…

Themes: Criminality, Regions, Social Inequalities, Public Administration, Health

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Local and regional studies

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Scapegoating Immigrants in Times of Personal and Collective Crises: Results from a Czech Panel Study

According to scapegoat theory, individuals tend to attribute personal or social problems to an out-group (real or imagined). This self-serving bias protects the ego or social identity from responsibility while increasing prejudice towards the out-group blamed for feelings of frustration. In this research note, we test this theory using five waves of the Czech Household Panel Study (CHPS 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020), which captures the tail end of the 2015–2016 refugee crisis in Europe through the lockdown i…

Themes: Value Orientations, Interpersonal Relations, Civil Society

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Sociologie ve válečném stavu

Themes: Sociological Theory

Publication Type: Unreviewed Article

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Energy literacy in Czechia and its influence on citizens’ perception of energy consumption behaviour

Energy literacy in Czechia and its influence on citizens’ perception of energy consumption behaviour

The analysis is based on a sample of 1015 citizens from Czechia. The cognitive energy literacy index (CELI), based on the knowledge of the energy mix in electricity production and the knowledge of the import/export of electricity in Czechia, is constructed in this article. The research aims to answer the following questions: What is the level of CELI within the population of Czechia? To what extent do the selected socio-demographic indicators affect the CELI? To what extent does CELI influence respondents' per…

Themes: Energy, Consumption, Public Policy, Environment

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Mezigenerační přenos kulturního kapitálu: sociální determinanty velikosti domácí knihovny

Mezigenerační přenos kulturního kapitálu: sociální determinanty velikosti domácí knihovny

This study focused on the social determinants of the objectified state of cultural capital in adulthood. It examined whether intergenerational transmission is still the dominant determinant of the size of a person’s home library in post-communist Czech society. We applied structural equation modelling to data (N = 1958) from the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) and found that while the size of a person’s home library was significantly affected by the size of the parents’ library, the parents’ educat…

Themes: Gender, Culture, Intergenerational Relations, Social Inequalities, Education

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Vybavenost venkovských obcí: vývoj, význam, využití

Vybavenost venkovských obcí: vývoj, význam, využití

Mizí z venkovských obcí obchody a další služby? Jaký význam mají ve vesnicích malotřídní školy? Co zvyšuje atraktivitu venkova? Podobné otázky si často kladou starostové obcí, novináři i sami obyvatelé venkova. Zajímají se o občanskou vybavenost a její význam. Často se objevují tvrzení, že vybavenost malých obcí je nedostatečná, popřípadě se zhoršuje. Je až s podivem, že důkladná analýza vybavenosti malých obcí až dosud v Česku nebyla k dispozici.Tato kniha nab…

Themes: Housing, City and Village, Regions, Social Inequalities, Standard of Living

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Local and regional studies

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Dlouhodobá finanční rezerva v českých domácnostech

Dlouhodobá finanční rezerva v českých domácnostech

Dlouhodobé úspory pomáhají udržovat stabilní standard a blahobyt lidí v různých fázích života či dokonce podporovat růst životní úrovně v čase, a to i po výpadku příjmů, který lze očekávat např. v důchodu. Hlavními důvody dlouhodobého spoření bývá právě zajištění na důchod, investice do nemovitosti či do vyššího vzdělání, ať už pro sebe, nebo pro své děti. Cílem této studie je identifikovat hlavní faktory, které mohou působit na vytváření dlouhodobýc…

Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Regional opportunity structures: A research agenda to link spatial and social inequalities in rural areas

Regional opportunity structures: A research agenda to link spatial and social inequalities in rural areas

This paper introduces and discusses regional opportunity structures as a concept for analysing the inter-linkages between structural conditions in space, social inequalities, and people’s agency, with a focus on non-metropolitan areas. The concept adds value in the following ways: (1) it emphasises the regional scale as an important spatial context of access to opportunities (2) it accounts for the complexity of the regional context, which provides a plethora of opportunities (3) it recognises the interdepen…

Themes: Regions

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Empirical Research on Social Stratification in the Visegrád Countries: An Overview.

This article outlines developments in empirical research on social stratification in the four countries constituting currently the Visegrád Group (V4). Sociology has been developing, if unevenly, as a discipline in these countries since the 19th or early 20th century. Empirical research on social stratification, based on data collected in large surveys, started here by the mid-1960s, first in Poland, then in Hungary, and later in the former Czechoslovakia. In spite of the ideological pressure of the communist…

Themes: History of Sociology, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Better sleep, better life? Testing the role of sleep on quality of life

Previous research has shown that sleep deprivation, low quality sleep or inconvenient sleeping times are associated with lower quality of life. However, research of the longitudinal effects of sleep on quality of life is scarce. Hence, we know very little about the long-term effect of changes in sleep duration, sleep quality and the time when individuals sleep on quality of life. Using longitudinal data from three waves of the Czech Household Panel Study (2018–2020) containing responses from up to 4,523 resp…

Themes: Health, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Obedient mothers, healthy children: communication on the risks of reproduction in state-socialist Czechoslovakia

The article analyses medical communication in popular media relating to the risks in reproduction in the state-socialist Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989 and shows how it used emotions as an instrument to control women’s reproductive behaviour. In particular, we use an approach inspired by Donati’s (1992) political discourse analysis and by Snow and Bedford’s (1988) framing analysis to explore communication on the risk of infertility in the abortion debate, the risk of fetal abnormalities in the pren…

Themes: Gender, Parenting, Health

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Gender & Sociology

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