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3875 Publications

Žít ekofeminismus: Femivorismus a nová domesticita

Žít ekofeminismus: Femivorismus a nová domesticita

The lifestyle associated with ecofeminism turns towards the family, the home and local communities. This is not a simple reproduction of traditional gender roles, but rather a return to the possibilities of emancipation based on intelligence and creativity.…

Themes: Gender, Climate Change, Environment, Lifestyle

Publication Type: Popularization Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Economic strain in post-communist countries and the rest of Europe: Attitudes towards the unemployed and the old

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Hodnoty a politika

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Erasmus (+) student mobility: individual and institutional motivations and effects

The Erasmus programme was established in 1987, Erasmus has become the largest international student mobility programme in the world and is seen by Europeans as one of the most positive results achieved by the European Union. The chapter reviews, first, the literature on the motivations of students and institutions to take part in the Erasmus programme and its effects. It then makes use of data from a recent survey of over 700 HE leaders and 3,000 mobile staff to study institutional motivations and effects in g…

Themes: Education

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph

Department: Hodnoty a politika

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Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2020

Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2020

In the publication, the NKC maps the position of women in science and innovation in the Czech Republic. The report has been published annually since 2005. It contains data on the representation of women in science and research across disciplines and economic sectors. You will also get an overview of the number of women in senior positions in science and research and the gender pay gap in academia. There is also an international comparison of the Czech Republic with other EU countries.…

Themes: Gender, Sociology of Sciences

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

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Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic

Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic

This article explores the operation of homeless encampments as a part of governance by highlighting the role of affective atmospheres. The COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of lockdowns have seen the introduction of unprecedented measures into homelessness governance in Czech cities. Some have set up temporary homeless encampments as a response to the declaration of the state of emergency. Relying on interviews and observations, this article reveals that such measures in cities differed significantly in bot…

Themes: Housing, City and Village, Social Inequalities, Sociological Theory, Public Administration

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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An Item Response Theory Analysis and Psychometric Properties of the Czech Version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale

The original version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) has been successfully tested in many studies, mainly using Classical Test Theory (CTT). Using Item Response Theory (IRT), this study examines psychometric properties of the original SWLS comprising five items, and its abbreviated versions and possible usage of a shorter response scale in a Czech data sample. IRT analysis was used to test the psychometric properties of the original SWLS, comprising five items rated on a 7-point Likert scale, and it…

Themes: Research Methodology

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Solo living in the process of transitioning to adulthood in Europe: The role of socioeconomic background

Solo living in the process of transitioning to adulthood in Europe: The role of socioeconomic background

This study focuses on home-leaving pathways that have unfolded over a 5-year period after leaving home. It explores the association between socioeconomic background (parental education) and the long-term, solo-living, home-leaving pathways of young men and women across 29 European countries. Using European Social Survey Round 9 (2018) data, this study applies a competing trajectory analysis, which combines sequence analysis to identify home-leaving patterns with event history analysis, in order to analyse thei…

Themes: Family

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Hodnoty a politika

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Welfare Regimes and Support for Income Redistribution in Europe

Income redistribution and changes in redistributive policies are highly contested issues that often have a bearing on societal debate and electoral competition. Using European Social Survey data, we trace trends in public attitudes toward income redistribution in 18 European countries from 2002 to 2019, a time period which included the Great Recession, the 2015 migrant crisis, and an increase in income inequality. Although attitudes toward income redistribution were relatively stable, trends presented by count…

Themes: Economy, Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes

Publication Type: Impactful Article

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Is classroom political discussion able to reduce anti-immigrant attitudes in adolescents? Testing the effect of frequency, length, and topic of classroom political discussions on anti-immigrant attitudes

Anti-immigrant attitudes are associated with many social problems and reduction of negative attitudes toward immigrants is one of many actions which can assist in preventing these problems, promote better relations within society, and subsequently, create a better quality of life. School is one of the environments that provide opportunity to reduce anti-immigrant attitudes by implementing curriculums that require teachers to encourage discussions on the issue of immigrants and immigration. Previous research ha…

Themes: Civil Society

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Dočasný nárůst důvěry ve vládu a dodržování protiepidemických opatření na počátku koronavirové krize

Public support for government institutions tends to increase in the face of threats such as armed conflict, terrorism, or natural disasters. This phenomenon, known as the 'rally-'round-the-flag' effect, has also been observed as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic in many countries. Citizens' trust in the government's good intentions and ability to handle a crisis is very important, as it gives government the legitimacy to take strong measures. High trust in government also increases citizens' willingness to c…

Themes: Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes

Publication Type: Impactful Article

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The making of a radical: The role of peer harassment in youth political radicalism

Although political radicalism is one of the major societal threats, we have limited understanding of how it is formed. While there are reasons to expect that harassment experienced in adolescence increase the propensity for radicalism, this relationship has not yet been investigated. This five-wave study of Swedish adolescents (N = 892) examined the role of peer harassment in radical political behavior. The results revealed that within-person fluctuations in harassment were positively related to fluctuations i…

Themes: Civil Society

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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A little more conversation, a little less prejudice: The role of classroom political discussions in the development of youth attitudes toward immigrants

Although previous research has shown that deliberative discussions have consequences for intergroup attitudes, very little is known about this impact during the formative adolescent years. In addition, the mechanism explaining the mechanism through which discussions affect intergroup attitudes is not clear. This 3-wave study of Swedish adolescents (N = 892, 51.1% girls, MageT1 = 13.41, nested in 35 classrooms) examined the role of teacher-initiated political discussions in the classroom for the development o…

Themes: Civil Society

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Like the cool kids? The role of popular classmates in the development of anti-immigrant attitudes in adolescence

While classmates have been identified as important socializing agents in relation to adolescents’ prejudice, there is limited understanding of how popularity status plays into classroom transmission of prejudicial attitudes. Drawing on theories of social influence, we used a three-wave panel of Swedish adolescents (N = 941, aged 13–15) to examine the role of sociometric and prestige popular classmates in the development of adolescents’ anti-immigrant attitudes. Multilevel repeated measurement models reve…

Themes: Civil Society

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Quasi-household economy: Rethinking homelessness in post-socialist Pilsen and beyond

Quasi-household economy: Rethinking homelessness in post-socialist Pilsen and beyond

The paper repositions homelessness in existing cities by highlighting the importance of transformative economic agency. Relying on a combination of long-term ethnographic research in the city of Pilsen, a traditional industrial second-order city in Czechia, and political–economic analysis, this paper introduces the concept of the quasi-household economy (QHE). This economy connects the informal and formal spheres and involves not only “homeless” people but also some classes of housed people. The paper fu…

Themes: Housing, Debts, Economy, Globalization, Culture, City and Village, Interpersonal Relations, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities, Sociological Theory

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Krátkodobá finanční rezerva a finanční odolnost Čechů

Krátkodobá finanční rezerva a finanční odolnost Čechů

Cílem této studie je identifikovat hlavní faktory, které mohou působit na odolnost českých domácností vůči finančním šokům skrze vliv na vytváření úspor – krátkodobé finanční rezervy.…

Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes, Standard of Living

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Encyklopedie Církve československé husitské

Encyklopedie Církve československé husitské

Církev československá (husitská) byla po většinu 20. století druhou nejpočetnější českou církví, v současnosti zaujímá čtvrtou pozici na žebříčku početnosti a rozhodně patří mezi nejvýznamnější náboženské organizace. Současně je v mnoha ohledech světovým unikátem. Její vznik před sto lety byl v rámci jediného národního společenství největším církevním rozkolem od časů reformace, církev prošla a stále prochází složitým a myšlenkově podnětným hle…

Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Social Stratification in Central Europe

Social Stratification in Central Europe

his book provides a comparative and contemporary account of social stratification in the Central European states of Czechia, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia (the Visegrad Four – V4 group), and also by contrast with Austria. It looks at the shared history of these countries as part of the erstwhile Austro-Hungarian Empire. While the V4 states experienced, for decades, the regressive authoritarian Soviet rule, Austria escaped this fate. The question is how some common historical roots, impact of the communist re…

Themes: European Union, Social Inequalities

Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph

Department: Economic and Religious Studies

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Kdy mít dítě? Představy o ideálním věku rodičovství v Evropě

Kdy mít dítě? Představy o ideálním věku rodičovství v Evropě

Based on data from the European Social Survey (2018), this paper examines ideas about the ideal age to become a parent in 28 European countries. Using multi-level models, it assesses the impact of real timing of childbirth and childlessness acceptance at the country level while controlling for individual characteristics. The findings show that the variability of ideas about ideal age at the country level is relatively limited and correlates significantly with the real timing of childbearing. A higher ideal age…

Themes: Gender, Parenting

Publication Type: Reviewed Article

Department: Hodnoty a politika

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Mediální diskurz o Green Dealu z hlediska energetiky

Mediální diskurz o Green Dealu z hlediska energetiky

The Green Deal, a European Commission initiative aimed at protecting the climate and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, has sparked controversy in the Czech public debate. An analysis of the media discourse on the Green Deal from an energy perspective shows that the Green Deal is perceived mostly negatively. In the media, it has been labelled with condemnatory statements and negative characterisations, especially by leading Czech politicians. Czech companies, municipalities and experts have a more favourable v…

Themes: Energy, Climate Change, Media, Politics and Political Attitudes, Environment

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Local and regional studies

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Fenomén #scicomm: využití big data a jejich analýzy při sledování komunikace vědy na internetových stránkách českých výzkumných organizací

Fenomén #scicomm: využití big data a jejich analýzy při sledování komunikace vědy na internetových stránkách českých výzkumných organizací

This study focused on science communication on the websites of Czech research institutions. Particularly, we inquired to what extent Czech science is shared with the public on the Internet and what differences can be found between the websites of social and natural science institutions. Textual analysis revealed that on the scientific websites, terms like “science” and “popularization” occurred together with references to scientific institutions, study, and research. In the case of natural sciences, th…

Themes: Internet, Media, Research Methodology, Sociological Data

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Social Stratification

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Out of Balance? Understanding Resident-Municipality Relations in Rural Peripheries through Ascriptions of Responsibility.

Out of Balance? Understanding Resident-Municipality Relations in Rural Peripheries through Ascriptions of Responsibility.

Rural governance increasingly involves a broad range of political agents – but whom do rural dwellers consider responsible for creating and maintaining local opportunity structures? Focusing on the issue of places to socialise, our paper investigates resident-municipality relations in peripheralised rural regions of Czechia and eastern Germany. We draw from problem-centred resident interviews using an actor-centred, multimodal concept of responsibility. Analysing residents’ ideals of active citizenship, mu…

Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion, City and Village, Care, Politics and Political Attitudes, Public Policy

Publication Type: Impactful Article

Department: Local and regional studies

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Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts

This editorial seeks to define fragile pronatalism by highlighting why pronatalism in the examined Central and Eastern European post‐socialist countries should be considered fragile. Moreover, it aims to map desirable future changes in fertility policies in the region. Following a brief presentation of the articles contained in this thematic issue, our concluding thoughts complete this editorial.…

Themes: Parenting, Family

Publication Type: Other Publication

Department: Gender & Sociology

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