Social Perception of Trees in the Landscape: The Connection Between Attitudes and Visual Preferences
Topics: Environment
Společenská percepce stromů
Topics: Environment
Finanční náročnost bydlení v českých domácnostech
Topics: Housing, Economy, Wages and Incomes
Kriminalita a COVID-19 v Česku: souvislosti omezení fungování společnosti a nápadu kriminality v regionech
Topics: Criminality, Regions, Social Inequalities, Public Administration, Public health
Scapegoating Immigrants in Times of Personal and Collective Crises: Results from a Czech Panel Study
Topics: Value Orientations, Interpersonal Relations, Civil Society
Sociologie ve válečném stavu
Topics: Sociological Theory
Publication Type: Non-peer-reviewed article
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Energy literacy in Czechia and its influence on citizens’ perception of energy consumption behaviour
Topics: Energy, Consumption, Public Policy, Environment
Mezigenerační přenos kulturního kapitálu: sociální determinanty velikosti domácí knihovny
Topics: Gender, Culture, Intergenerational Relations, Social Inequalities, Education
Vybavenost venkovských obcí: vývoj, význam, využití
Topics: Housing, City and Village, Regions, Social Inequalities, Standard of Living
Dlouhodobá finanční rezerva v českých domácnostech
Topics: Economy, Wages and Incomes
Sociologie – neúspěšný pokus o kamerální vědu pro 20. století
Topics: History of Sociology
Zora Procházková – Jan David: Povstání z pokleku. Pražské bohoslužby v šedesátých letech 20. století IV.
Topics: Religion and religiosity
Odešla silná a laskavá osobnost. PhDr. Mirjam Moravcová, DrSc. (1931–2023)
Topics: History of Sociology
Regional opportunity structures: A research agenda to link spatial and social inequalities in rural areas
Topics: Regions
Empirical Research on Social Stratification in the Visegrád Countries: An Overview.
Topics: History of Sociology, Social Inequalities
Zemřel Atlas české sociální antropologie. Josef Kandert (22. července 1943 – 8. prosince 2022).
Topics: History of Sociology
Better sleep, better life? Testing the role of sleep on quality of life
Topics: Public health, Lifestyle
Obedient mothers, healthy children: communication on the risks of reproduction in state-socialist Czechoslovakia
Topics: Gender, Parenting, Public health
Žít ekofeminismus: Femivorismus a nová domesticita
Topics: Gender, Climate Change, Environment, Lifestyle
Publication Type: Public event or educational activity
Department: Local and regional studies
Sociologický význam Vokna
Topics: Culture
Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph
Department: Economic and Religious Studies
Economic strain in post-communist countries and the rest of Europe: Attitudes towards the unemployed and the old
Topics: Social Inequalities, Social Policy
Erasmus (+) student mobility: individual and institutional motivations and effects
Topics: Education
Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2020
Topics: Gender, Sociology of Sciences
Publication Type: Other Publication
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic
Topics: Housing, City and Village, Social Inequalities, Sociological Theory, Public Administration
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