Žít ekofeminismus: Femivorismus a nová domesticita
Themes: Gender, Climate Change, Environment, Lifestyle
Sociologický význam Vokna
Themes: Culture
Publication Type: Chapter in a Book / Monograph
Department: Economic and Religious Studies
Economic strain in post-communist countries and the rest of Europe: Attitudes towards the unemployed and the old
Themes: Social Inequalities, Social Policy
Erasmus (+) student mobility: individual and institutional motivations and effects
Themes: Education
Postavení žen v české vědě. Monitorovací zpráva za rok 2020
Themes: Gender, Sociology of Sciences
Publication Type: Other Publication
Department: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science
Governed by atmospheres: Affect, materiality and everyday benevolence in homeless encampments during the COVID-19 pandemic
Themes: Housing, City and Village, Social Inequalities, Sociological Theory, Public Administration
An Item Response Theory Analysis and Psychometric Properties of the Czech Version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale
Themes: Research Methodology
Solo living in the process of transitioning to adulthood in Europe: The role of socioeconomic background
Themes: Family
Welfare Regimes and Support for Income Redistribution in Europe
Themes: Economy, Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes
Publication Type: Impactful Article
Is classroom political discussion able to reduce anti-immigrant attitudes in adolescents? Testing the effect of frequency, length, and topic of classroom political discussions on anti-immigrant attitudes
Themes: Civil Society
Dočasný nárůst důvěry ve vládu a dodržování protiepidemických opatření na počátku koronavirové krize
Themes: Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes
Publication Type: Impactful Article
The making of a radical: The role of peer harassment in youth political radicalism
Themes: Civil Society
A little more conversation, a little less prejudice: The role of classroom political discussions in the development of youth attitudes toward immigrants
Themes: Civil Society
Like the cool kids? The role of popular classmates in the development of anti-immigrant attitudes in adolescence
Themes: Civil Society
Quasi-household economy: Rethinking homelessness in post-socialist Pilsen and beyond
Themes: Housing, Debts, Economy, Globalization, Culture, City and Village, Interpersonal Relations, Wages and Incomes, Social Inequalities, Sociological Theory
Krátkodobá finanční rezerva a finanční odolnost Čechů
Themes: Economy, Wages and Incomes, Standard of Living
Encyklopedie Církve československé husitské
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph
Department: Economic and Religious Studies
Setrvalý stav, nebo zásadní změna? České církve ve výsledcích sčítání lidu 2021
Themes: COM_CCK_nabozenstvi_a_religiozita
Social Stratification in Central Europe
Themes: European Union, Social Inequalities
Publication Type: Professional Book / Monograph
Department: Economic and Religious Studies
Kdy mít dítě? Představy o ideálním věku rodičovství v Evropě
Themes: Gender, Parenting
Mediální diskurz o Green Dealu z hlediska energetiky
Themes: Energy, Climate Change, Media, Politics and Political Attitudes, Environment
Fenomén #scicomm: využití big data a jejich analýzy při sledování komunikace vědy na internetových stránkách českých výzkumných organizací
Themes: Internet, Media, Research Methodology, Sociological Data
Out of Balance? Understanding Resident-Municipality Relations in Rural Peripheries through Ascriptions of Responsibility.
Themes: Trust/Social Cohesion, City and Village, Care, Politics and Political Attitudes, Public Policy
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Themes: Parenting, Family
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