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  • Changes in the Structure of Gender Roles in the Family: Men’s Participation in the Family and Household after Returning to Work from Parental Leave

Project Duration: 2004 - 2007

Category: Projects

The project focuses on monitoring the participation of fathers in the family and household, both during their parental leave and after they return to the labour market, with the objective of understanding the behaviour of fathers and identifying the factors that have a significant influence on the scope and extent of their participation. The project is based on a qualitative approach, which makes it possible to understand the strategies of social actors’ behaviour in given situations of life. The project will contribute to obtaining an in-depth understanding of gender roles in specific types of families and in certain phases of their family cycle and of the construction of the identity of men as fathers.  

Principal Investigator:

Contracting authority:

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic


Gender & Sociology

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