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  • Conflicting expectations in overlapping systems of multi-level governance

Conflicting expectations in overlapping systems of multi-level governance

Lyons, Pat. 2007. „Conflicting expectations in overlapping systems of multi-level governance“. Pp. 157-186 in De Bièvre, Dirk, Christine Neuhold (eds.). Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance. London: Edward Edgar Publish. 204 s. ISBN 978-1-84720-034-1.

Many states today are members of a number of systems of multilevel governance such as the UN, WTO, EU and NATO. Consequently, there is increasing scope for states to be presented with conflicting expectations. With the Iraq crisis, states with simultaneous membership of these organisations were faced with an unprecedented dilemma – choose to support NATO or the EU. This chapter examines this dilemma using the Czech Republic as a case study.





European Union, Politics and Political Attitudes


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