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  • The Czech Republic: critical democrats and the persistence of democratic values

The Czech Republic: critical democrats and the persistence of democratic values

Mansfeldová, Zdenka. 2006. „The Czech Republic: critical democrats and the persistence of democratic values“. Pp. 101-118 in Klingemann, Hans-Dieter, Dieter Fuchs, Jan Zielonka (eds.). Democracy and Political Culture in Eastern Europe. Abingdon, New York: Routledge. 416 s. ISBN 0-415-38602-0.

The chapter is based on World Value Survey data and describes the support for democracy and autocracy, political involvement, confidence in institutions, as well as attitudes relevant to an assessment of the ethos of political and civil community. In addition a hypothesis is examined, that Czech society maintained democratic values in spite of the communist regime





Value Orientations, Politics and Political Attitudes, Transformation


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