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  • Komplikace při formulování lokálních reakcí na klimatickou změnu.

Ferenčuhová, Slavomíra. 2019. „Komplikace při formulování lokálních reakcí na klimatickou změnu.“. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj. 22 (3): 5-9.. ISSN 1212-0855. Available from:

This article informs about the results of an ongoing sociological research on local responses to climate change that appear in the Czech context. The argument departs from a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with experts whose professional work relates to researching or informing about climate change and to formulation of adaptation measures and responses to climate change, or to environmental policy-making in general. The article outlines complications that – in the view of the experts – accompany thinking about, formulating or implementing responses to climate change, especially in cities and communities. It comments on the peculiarities observed in the Czech Republic as compared to findings about barriers to adapting to climate change in localities abroad that have been analysed in the international academic literature. The article discusses the appropriateness of the concept of 'barriers' and suggest focusing on complications through which local responses to climate change are formulated.


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