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  • Comparative multilevel analysis of relations between perceived quality and trust in government, and attitudes towards governmental spending on welfare: The mediating effect of corruption perceptions and experience

Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2023

Kategorie: Projekty

This comparative research project will examine the associations between attitudes towards governmental spending on welfare, perceived quality of government, trust in government, and citizens’ perceptions and experience of corruption. The findings from previous studies, using individual-level data from Europe, have often been generalised to the whole world without accounting for possible differences in citizens’ perceptions of the welfare state and corruption. Using multilevel modelling and ISSP data that include countries in Europe and beyond, this research project aims to fill this important gap in the literature.

Research visits are crucial for the success of this project. Planned visits to Griffith University (Australia) and Leuven University (Belgium) will ensure the validity of the cross-country comparison and guarantee selection of the best methodological approach respectively.


Hlavní řešitel:


Důvěra/Sociální koheze, Hodnotové orientace, Korupce, Sociální politika


Interní projekt


Hodnotové orientace ve společnosti


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