Authors: Mikeszová, Martina
The article presents a review of the research activities of the Socio-Economics of Housing research team at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. Its main research activities relate to both the social and the economic aspects of housing and t...
Authors: Lux, Martin
The study describes the development in financial affordability of housing in the Czech Republic and EU countries. The affordability is analysed for all tenures: rental housing, co-operative housing and home-ownership. Using econometric models it evaluates the consequences of pote...
Authors: Sládek, Jan, Martina Mikeszová
Authors: Lux Martin, Cirman Andreja, Sunega Petr
The purpose of this paper is to explain why post-socialist countries adopted different housing restitution strategies after the change of regimes across the region. Restitution refers here to the process of returning property or compensating for property expropriated by the commu...
Také v únoru a březnu vědci a vědkyně ze Sociologického ústavu AV ČR vystupovali v médiích. Co se nevešlo do samostatných aktualit?
Authors: Mikeszová, Martina
The paper focuses on the development of regional inequalities in rental housing (un)affordability in Czech Republic. The aim of the paper is to identify "model" types of household which are potentially at risk of being unable to afford "adequate" housing in ca...
Rádi bychom zrekapitulovali tituly, které naši pracovníci a pracovnice vydali v roce 2015. Většinu z nich lze zakoupit prostřednictvím našeho webu, případně u nakladatelů či knihkupců. Některé další materiály jsou dostupné zdarma.
