Authors: Kolářová, Marta
This book examines collective and individual forms of lifestyle politics and political consumerism in the environmental sphere. Lifestyle politics is about how citizens become involved in politics through their everyday decision-making and it includes the ethically, morally, and...
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin
Metodika je výsledkem projektu, jehož jádrem bylo shromáždění a systematizace poznatků o sociální zakotvenosti rozhodování o hlubinném úložišti vyhořelého jaderného paliva a vysokoaktivních odpadů (HÚ) za pomoci kvalitativního a kvantitativního empirického sociologického výzkumu....
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin
This guide is the outcome of a project based on qualitative and quantitative empirical research that examined the social embeddedness of decisions about the location and construction of a deep geological repository (DGR) for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste in the Czech Re...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
This paper focuses on a grassroots community movement address-ing climate change: the transnational Transition (Towns) movement. While this movement has mainly spread to Anglophone countries, it is almost en-tirely absent from Eastern Europe and the Czech Republic in particular....