The aim of this project is to examine local responses to global environmental problems (climate change, soil degradation, food quality, etc.) in terms of social movements and lifestyles. The research activity is carried out within the framework of the Strategy AV 21 Global Confli...
Trvání projektu: 2017 - 2020
The subject of this sociologically oriented project is a case study of the lives of businessmen and businesswomen in contemporary Czech society. The project offers a comprehensive analysis of social and political mechanisms affecting professional and private lives of businessmen...
Trvání projektu: 2001 - 2003
Ambicí projektu je přispět a prohloubit současný stav vědeckého poznání v oblasti výzkumu prekonceptů (tj. subjektivních představ/pojetí) štěstí a životní spokojenosti u populace dětí a mládeže. Cílem studie je identifikovat a analyzovat vliv vybraných sociodemografických charakt...
Trvání projektu: 2019 - 2021
Environmental degradation, the pandemic and growing food prices highlighted the vulnerability and unsustainability of the current food system. Its resilience can be enhanced by developing closer links with informal sources of food. The recent research shifted the interpretation o...
Trvání projektu: 2024 - 2026
This project was solved within the framework of the AV21 Strategy in the program: Diversity of Life and Health of Ecosystems (ROZE). The aim of the activity was to map out the value orientations, attitudes, motivations and behavior of selected groups to protect the diversity of l...
Trvání projektu: 2016
Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment (SEEPIA) is a project supported by the Environment for Life Programme (TA ČR). Its aim is to create an interdisciplinary research centre that will be involved in long-term socio-economic research in the...
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2026
The aim of the project was to involve experts in the public forestry debate and on the basis of scientific knowledge to prepare proposals for the necessary changes to the legislation responding to this new knowledge. The Institute of Sociology (Jana Stachová) participates in the...
Trvání projektu: 2017
The aim of the project was to map social science landscape research in the Czech Republic, to carry out a secondary analysis of landscape research, and to define basic principles, approaches and concepts in the field of landscape research in the Czech social science environment....
Trvání projektu: 2019
Projekt je zaměřen na rozvoj připravenosti České republiky na mimořádnou radiační událost, například nehodu. Na jeho řešení spolupracují Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT, Státní ústav radiační ochrany, v. v. i., SOÚ AV ČR a Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdrav...
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2025
This project was solved within the framework of the AV21 Strategy in the program: Diversity of Life and Health of Ecosystems (ROZE). Activity Priorities of soil biological research, intersection of science and public interest were solved in cooperation of Biology Center CAS, Inst...
Trvání projektu: 2017
The aim of the project was to analyze strategies, methods and forms of cooperation of environmental organizations of civil society, as well as how they succeed in meeting the goals with which they enter the planning and landscape management processes. Successful strategies for pr...
Trvání projektu: 2018
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has induced energy security challenges. The goal of the European Green Deal (2019) to reach climate neutrality by 2050 remains, however, the target. Achieving it implies an increase in low-carbon sources and changes in energy production, distribution,...
Trvání projektu: 2024 - 2025
The research project is concerned with trajectories of human-microbial coexistence in the Czech Republic. It builds on three key theoretical concepts of microbiopolitics, (micro)biological citizenship, and situated biologies. It investigates the modes, developments, and challenge...
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2022
This project is supported by the 2020 Lumina Quaeruntur award of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It establishes a new research team - The Centre for the Study of Social Change and the Material Environment (CESCAME) based at the Institute of Sociology.  
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2025
The aim of the project is to understand the environmental correlations of human anthropogenic impact on the landscape, to find ways of using the landscape that will be sustainable in the long term and at the same time to develop procedures to restore the damaged landscape. 
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2024
The purpose of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of mechanisms, barriers to and potential for introducing new policy instruments for enviromental governance in the Czech Republic, explicating the subjective perception and social construction of risks connecte...
Trvání projektu: 2017 - 2019
Globální klimatická krize urychluje přechod k udržitelné energetice. Země EU mění přístup k hospodaření s elektřinou a teplem a ke koncepci dopravy. Do tohoto procesu významně promlouvá přehodnocení energetických politiky vlivem vojenské invaze Ruska na Ukrajinu.
Trvání projektu: 2022 - 2026
CoRe zkoumá důsledky řetězení krizových jevů, jakými jsou změny klimatu, koronavirová pandemie či politické konflikty, které narušují společenské systémy po celém světě. Kvůli propojenosti globální ekonomiky a rapidnímu rozvoji digitalizace pociťuje Česko i Evropa důsledky těchto...
Trvání projektu: 2023 - 2028
This project analyzes environmental values and behavior in the Czech Republic in both historical and comparative perspective. The project seeks to make a major contribution to environmental sociology by focusing on four research themes. First, by implementing the 2010 ISSP survey...
Trvání projektu: 2009 - 2012
Housing standards, in accordance with research conducted in the European Union (EU) countries, are usually analysed within the context of the overall living conditions of households and include analyses of the development of household consumer behaviour, the financial affordabili...
Trvání projektu: 2003 - 2005
