Authors: Čermák, D., M. Ďurďovič, V. Patočková
The contribution shows why it is useful to integrate social sciences researchers into negotiation about location of a deep geological repository of nuclear waste.
Authors: Stachová, Jana
Stromy a lesy jsou zásadní pro stabilitu planety. Jak ale o nich lidé přemýšlejí v širším kontextu? Jsou důležité i ty staré, suché a solitérní? Jak je vnímá česká společnost? Nejen tyto otázky zodpovídali odborníci z mnoha vědních oborů. Lesy totiž čelí kromě známých výzev i nov...
Authors: Dlouhá, Jana, Pospíšilová, Marie
The paper reviews recent theoretical discussions on education for sustainable development and competence based teaching, and relates them to the international policy processes of the Sustainable Development Goals implementation where ‘the knowledge and skills needed to...
Authors: Jana Stachová, Daniel Čermák
Proceedings of the conference on the problem of important trees in the rural landscape of the Czech Republic within the framework of the grant solved by the Faculty of Science of Palacký University in Olomouc. The conference was held on 6-7 October 2022 in Hostětín.
Authors: Daněk, P., Sovová, L., Jehlička, P. Vávra, J., Lapka, M
While alternative food networks (AFNs) have become the leading conceptualisation of sustainable food systems, vibrant scholarship on food self-provisioning (FSP) in Central and Eastern Europe has remained confined to the geopolitical region it investigates. This article brings th...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The Green Deal, a European Commission initiative aimed at protecting the climate and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, has sparked controversy in the Czech public debate. An analysis of the media discourse on the Green Deal from an energy perspective shows that the Green Deal is...
Authors: Jehlička, Petr, Smith, J
This chapter introduces different explanations for high rates of growing and sharing food outside the market system in the Czech Republic based in social anthropological research. The authors have extended that work with their own qualitative and quantitative research over a peri...
Authors: Ďurďovič, Martin
Metodika je výsledkem projektu, jehož jádrem bylo shromáždění a systematizace poznatků o sociální zakotvenosti rozhodování o hlubinném úložišti vyhořelého jaderného paliva a vysokoaktivních odpadů (HÚ) za pomoci kvalitativního a kvantitativního empirického sociologického výzkumu....
Authors: Vojtíšková Kateřina, Věra Patočková, Renáta Mikešová
The first part of the study is focused on how environmental issues are approached by sociology and social sciences and also deals with nature conservation in the Czech Republic - its developments, institution and actors. The second part presents the results of empirical surveys w...
Authors: Marková Volejníčková, Romana, Pospíšilová, Marie, Denková, Adéla
Authors: McGreevy, S., Rupprecht, Ch., Niles, D., Wiek, A., Carolan, M., Kallis, G., Kantamaturapoj, K., Mangnus, A., Jehlička, Petr, et al
Sustainable agrifood systems are critical to averting climate-driven social and ecological disasters, overcoming the growth paradigm and redefining the interactions of humanity and nature in the twenty-first century. This Perspective describes an agenda and examples for comprehen...
Authors: Gibas, Petr, Nyklová, Blanka
The study discusses the image of the city of Ostrava in photographic publications issued in the period of state socialism and aimed to capture and present the daily life of an exemplary industrial socialist city. The study offers a critical understanding of the socialist city as...
Authors: Stachová, Jana
Forests are being increasingly studied within the framework of social sciences, especially in relation to environmental problems and global climate change. This article deals with the perception of Czech forests and their management at two basic levels: at the level of sociologic...
Authors: Decker, Anja
The article deals with the phenomenon of taking up responsibility and individual care for public land, presenting the stories of two Czech people who have engaged in their environments in such a way.  Should we see these actions as moral interventions, transporting idea...
Authors: Gibas, Petr
Exploring a history of one Prague allotments, the chapter explores everyday experience of allotment gardening, its everyday properties and the ways in which it is rhythmed.
Authors: Stachová, Jana
Předkládaná publikace vznikla v rámci Strategie AV21, v programu Rozmanitosta zdraví ekosystémů, v němž se v roce 2017 řešila aktivita Les jako součást krajinya zdroj poznání. Smyslem bylo nashromáždit odborné podklady, které by vedly k potřebnýmzměnám hospodaření v našich lesích...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
This paper focuses on a grassroots community movement address-ing climate change: the transnational Transition (Towns) movement. While this movement has mainly spread to Anglophone countries, it is almost en-tirely absent from Eastern Europe and the Czech Republic in particular....
Authors: Stachová, Jana, Čermák, Daniel
Česká veřejnost vysoce hodnotí spirituální a estetické funkce stromů a je dobře obeznámena s některými environmentálními či ekologickými hodnotami stromů, které pokládá za velmi důležité, zejména ve srovnání s funkcemi čistě užitkovými. Na druhou stranu jiné ekologické funkce váz...
