Authors: Šimon, Martin, Jíchová, Jana
This article reports on a new empirical study evaluating crime concentration at places in a postsocialist city. We use principles of the law of crime concentration at places and the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to measure crime count and crime harm concentration at the le...
Authors: Podaná, Zuzana, Krulichová, Eva
The aim of the present study is to thoroughly examine the relationship between adolescent fear of crime and a wide variety of offences which commonly affect children. The analysed data comes from the Urban Youth Victimization Survey conducted among 9th grade students in the Czech...
Authors: Podaná Zuzana, Eva Krulichová
Research on adolescent fear of crime is still relatively limited and often simply applies theoretical explanations proposed for adults. This study strives to extend current knowledge in this field by analyzing the impact of parenting style on fear of crime, namely parental attach...
Authors: Krulichová, Eva
Cross-national comparisons of fear of crime have been gaining in popularity within the academic community, as they allow for the examination of both individual and country-level correlates of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, the role of perceived victimization risk in fostering fea...
Authors: Krulichová, Eva
Subjective well-being is usually studied with respect to marital and occupational status, income or subjective health. Conversely, research examining the relationship between this phenomenon and crime-related factors is still relatively limited. This study therefore aims to exten...
Authors: Krulichová, Eva, Zuzana Podaná
The aim of this study is to broaden the scope of knowledge on fear of crime by examining if Ferraro’s risk interpretation model of fear of crime also holds true for the adolescent population. Using data on approximately 1500 Czech students in middle and grammar school, we test th...
Authors: Krulichová, Eva, Kupka, Petr, Walach, Václav
Despite a long and rich history of fear of crime research, studies which focus on the importance of local specifics are rather limited. This study fills this gap by analyzing fear of crime—measured as concerns about crime and feeling of safety—among residents of disadvantaged nei...
Authors: Krulichová, Eva
Recently, there has been growing interest in crime-related determinants of subjective well-being (SWB). The existing findings are, however, rather contradictory. The relationship between the aforementioned phenomena is most often examined using cross-sectional data, although it s...
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (Vol. 65, June 2021)
Socioložka Eva Krulichová publikovala v časopise International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice článek „Changes in crime-related factors and subjective well-being over time and their mutual relationship“. Věnuje se v něm, jak název napovídá, proměnám vnímání životní pohody v sou...
This project seeks to prevent serious security threats to the Czech state via organized crime and corruption by addressing the mechanisms by which those crimes take place. The project will design and propose legislative and non-legislative reforms for addressing the security risk...
Trvání projektu: 2010 - 2013
19. 10. 2017
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na podzimní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
Authors: Beláňová, Andrea, Trejbalová, Tereza
Průběžná zpráva je druhým výstupem z projektu „Role církví a význam religiozity v následné péči o propuštěné vězně“ realizovaného v rámci post-doktorandské podpory Akademie věd ČR. Zpráva se zabývá vyhodnocením dotazníku určeného dobrovolníkům, kteří si v Česk...
Foto: Jindřich Štreit
Každý rok české věznice opustí přibližně 10 tisíc vězňů. V přepočtu na 100 tisíc obyvatel máme šestou největší vězeňskou populaci v rámci Evropské unie – na konci července 2021 počet činil téměř 19 tisíc vězňů. Jaké nástrahy ale po propuštění vězně čekají, jak se s nimi vypořádáv...
Ve sportu jsou poměrně běžné úplatky trenérovi od rodičů, VIP vstupenky na zápasy pro politiky nebo podplácení zápasů. Ve zdravotnictví zase pacienti často bokem zaplatí za lepší péči a dřívější termín operace, problémem jsou i pozvánky na exotické zájezdy pro lékaře. Formy korup...
Authors: Vlachová, Klára (ed.)
In the years 2002 to 2012, Czech society experienced a series of events and changes. Similar events and changes, however, also took place in other European countries. State and development of attitudes, values and behaviour of populations of European countries in connection with...
2. 10. 2017 - 14. 12. 2017
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na podzimní cyklus Čtvrtečních sociologických seminářů.
Authors: Beláňová, Andrea, Trejbalová, Tereza, Kelly, Bridget
Czech Republic, a post-communist country in East-Central Europe, is oftentimes presented as one of the most secularized countries in the world. Albeit constituting no more than 15% of population, members of Christian churches develop extensive activities in many spheres of public...
Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe
V nakladatelství Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield) právě vychází nová publikace Czech Social Attitudes in the European Context: In the Heart of Europe. Kniha založená na analýzách dat z projektu European Social Survey přináší nejnovější politické, sociální a obecné posto...
