Authors: Dudová, Radka
The book presents a theoretical study and an original qualitative empirical study of fatherhood after divorce or separation. A total of 35 interviews were conducted with men with various social and educational backgrounds. It shows how contemporary fathers select between differen...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
S novelou zákona o nemocenském pojištění, která začne platit od 1.1.2009, dochází i ke změně resp. ke zvýšení redukčních hranic pro výpočet výše peněžité pomoci v mateřství. Nově jsou podobně jako u výpočtu dávek nemocenského pojištění stanoveny namísto d...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
Vážené čtenářky a vážení čtenáři, do rukou se vám dostává první letošní číslo bulletinu Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum. Jeho zaměření je tentokrát zejména empirické, jelikož rubrika věnovaná výsledkům výzkumu je zastoupena nejsilněji. V první řadě zde naleznete tři stati zalo...
Již 14 let (od 1. července 2006) mohou vstupovat páry stejného pohlaví do státem uznávaného partnerství. Zatímco statistická data o české populaci včetně manželství, nesezdaných soužitích, věku partnerů nebo jejich dětech pravidelně zveřejňuje Český statistický úřad, data o regis...
Authors: Alena Křížková, Kristýna Pospíšilová
The article addresses the influence of parenthood on the gender pay gap (GPG). The linked employer − employee data available that is suitable for a detailed GPG analysis, does not include parenthood in Czechia. It is thus possible to examine the relationship between the GPG and p...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
The chapter deals with the gender aspect of parenting. Data from quantitative survey (Our Society 2003) as well as from qualitative survey (fathers on parental leave) are analysed there. Even if the separate performance of parenting roles has been weaken, mothers have still been...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
Analyses of chances in the labour market (especially wages) in contex of no/having a child was done by the prevalent life cycle od women, e.g. by their age. The analyse of statistical data confirmes the enequalities between woman according to the period of nohaving a child and ha...
Authors: Maříková, Hana
V tomto dvojčísle letošního čtvrtletníku Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum se zaměřujeme na nová specifická témata a s nimi související genderové otázky. Jedná se zejména o impuls k promýšlení současné organizace vztahů mužů a žen v institucionální, společenské i s...
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Dudová, Radka
The article compares the development of policies pertaining to care for preschool children inthe course of the second half of the 20th century in France and in the Czech Republic. It aims atidentifying the key factors that led to the differentiation of the policies and institutio...
Projekt TA ČR, reg. č. TL03000657
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2022
Authors: Szalma, Ivett, Hašková, Hana, Oláh, Livia, Takács, Judit
This editorial seeks to define fragile pronatalism by highlighting why pronatalism in the examined Central and Eastern European post‐socialist countries should be considered fragile. Moreover, it aims to map desirable future changes in fertility policies in the region. Following...
Authors: Dudová, Radka (ed.)
The book presents the findings of ten qualitative studies of specific occupations and social groups. It concentrates mainly on two phenomena that characterise contemporary labour markets: the increasing flexibility of work conditions and labour markets, and the marginalisation of...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
Mothers as heads of one-parent families become very often the only breadwinners for their families, while still being the primary carers for their children. This leads to the worsening of the economical situation of their families. The results of my research presented in this art...
Authors: Formánková, Lenka, Dobrotić, Ivana
This article considers women’s and men’s roles in the labour market and the different ways in which care-work is shared inSlovenia and the Czech Republic. Effective policy measures can prevent parenting of young children be...
Authors: Haukanes, Haldis, Hana Hašková
This article explores young people’s imaginations of their future family life. Based on qualitative research among young people in North Bohemia, it considers social reproduction and change within the domain of gendered labour and parenting. This is done on the backdrop of post-1...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Through a qualitative analysis of interviews with 52 men and women with non-heterosexual identities, the article deepens the understanding of parental intentions and the formation of pathways to gay and lesbian parenting in the Czech Republic. The article explains the reduced par...
The aim of the research project is to analyze all types of factors influencing the implementation of flexible working arrangements in the Czech Republic. In the analysis we research the flexible working arrangements in the international comparative perspective. We have chosen 5...
Trvání projektu: 2011 - 2012
Authors: Pfeiferová, Štěpánka
The chapter is based on a qualitative study of lone working mothers and on quantitative data from representative survey Changes 2005. It analyses the barriers that lone mothers encounter on the labour market in the Czech Republic.
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Results of an analysis of representative sample data on reproductive preferences and factors influencing reproductive behavior in Czech society. It speculates about consequences of such facts that a) men are not as much decided as women in their reproductive plans, b) there is a...
