The CASPER aims The Horizon 2020 CASPER project will examine the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality with a focus on the organizational level. Based upon an extensive assessment of available systems and needs across Europe and bey...
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2021
Gender equality is one of the five priorities of the European Research Area. It is today recognized that actions and policies must focus on legislative and especially institutional levels (cultural and institutional change) rather than seeing gender equality as something that con...
Trvání projektu: 2017 - 2021
Established in 2001 as a team and as an independent research department in 2015, the Centre for Gender & Science (originally "for women and science") is the only specialized research department in the country focusing specifically on gender sociology of science, feminist scie...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. Marcela Linková, Ph.D.
Building on scholarship in feminist philosophy and social studies of science, the project will examine the role of gender in the production of knowledge contexts and cultures in an East-West perspective in two scientific fields (sociology and biology). While critiques of science...
Trvání projektu: 2006 - 2008
The National Contact Centre for Gender and Science is a unique initiative in the Central European region and serves as the national contact point for gender equality and gender mainstreaming in European research. It provides specific expertise and training to Czech researchers an...
Trvání projektu: 2017 - 2020
Authors: Marcela Linková
How to assess quality has become one of the central concerns for contemporary research, not least because of the proliferation of research assessment systems around the globe. Concomitant with this has been the growing attention to factors that compromise the credibility of asses...
Authors: Linková, Marcela, Tenglerová, Hana
The paper is a report on the conference Beyond the Leaky Pipeline: Challenges for Research on Gender and Science, the final conference to the project Meta-analysis of gender and science research, held in Brussels on 19 and 20 October 2010. It analyses the discoursive frameworks u...
Authors: Fox, Mary Frank, Whittington, Kjersten Bunker, Linková, Marcela
Gender hierarchies in the scientific workforce reflect and reinforce relations of status and power in societies. Concentrating on the United States and European Union, this chapter reveals deep and persistent gender disparities in participation by scientific field, and in perform...
Authors: Linková, Marcela (ed.)
The publication Trans/formation: gender, science and society explores the issue of women in science in the CR from the 19th century to the present. It builds on the findings of EC’s Enwise expert group from 2004. The publication documents changes related to the influx of wo...
Authors: Cidlinská, Kateřina, Marcela Linková
The publication explores gender aspects of researchers’ career plans, academic mobility, combination of research and parenthood, image of science in the media and gender equality policies in science. The introductory chapter discusses current changes in research and positio...
Authors: Linková, Marcela, Červinková, Alice
Building on Law’s modes of mattering (2004), the authors explore enactments of ‘women and science’ in various locations where gender and feminist approaches, science policies and support activities meet in European context. By exploring some of th...
Authors: Linková, Marcela
In this paper I provide a brief overview of issues thematised in this area by feminist epistemologists over the past thirty years; in relation to the position of women in science I look into the pre-World War I period and mobilisation of female university graduates in Czechoslova...
Authors: Linková, Marcela, Červinková, Alice
Despite various changes in academic institutions and the academic profession in last two decades (Shore 2008; Dunn 2003; Power 2003), the academic environment is still organized around the notion of a linear, uninterrupted career path (Murray 2000; Smithon and Stokoe 2005) culmin...
Authors: Linková, Marcela, Kateřina Cidlinská, Hana Tenglerová, Marta Vohlídalová, Alice Červinková
The publication explores gender aspects of researchers’ career plans, academic mobility, combination of research and parenthood, image of science in the media and gender equality policies in science. The introductory chapter discusses current changes in research and positio...
Ve dnech 8. – 10. června 2022 se v Praze uskuteční zahajovací setkání projektu Horizontu Evropa GENDERACTIONplus, který koordinuje NKC – gender a věda Sociologického ústavu AV ČR. Cílem konsorcia složeného z 26 národních úřadů, grantových agentur a výzkumných organizací z celkem...
NKC - gender a věda Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i., spolu s partnery ze sedmi evropských zemí zahajuje další projekt financovaný z rámcového programu pro výzkum a inovace Horizont 2020. Ten se zaměřuje na implementaci plánů genderové rovnosti ve výzkumných institucích a v...
Authors: Linkova, Marcela & Mergaert, Lut
Introduction. Institutional change through gender equality plans is today the dominant approach to promoting gender equality in higher education and research. Building on our experiences as “technical support partners” in several EU-funded projects, we reflect on how change is ne...
Mezinárodní den žen a dívek ve vědě 2021
Pandemie COVID-19 ovlivňuje náš každodenní život již téměř rok a všichni si proto přejeme rychlý návrat k normálu. Ten na ničem nezávisí tak, jako na práci vědecké komunity. Za letošní téma Mezinárodního dne žen a dívek ve vědě si proto NKC – gender a věda zvolilo úspěchy vědkyň...
