The CASPER aims The Horizon 2020 CASPER project will examine the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality with a focus on the organizational level. Based upon an extensive assessment of available systems and needs across Europe and bey...
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2021
Gender equality is one of the five priorities of the European Research Area. It is today recognized that actions and policies must focus on legislative and especially institutional levels (cultural and institutional change) rather than seeing gender equality as something that con...
Trvání projektu: 2017 - 2021
Established in 2001 as a team and as an independent research department in 2015, the Centre for Gender & Science (originally "for women and science") is the only specialized research department in the country focusing specifically on gender sociology of science, feminist scie...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. Marcela Linková, Ph.D.
Authors: Fox, Mary Frank, Whittington, Kjersten Bunker, Linková, Marcela
Gender hierarchies in the scientific workforce reflect and reinforce relations of status and power in societies. Concentrating on the United States and European Union, this chapter reveals deep and persistent gender disparities in participation by scientific field, and in perform...
Building on the Horizon 2020 project GENDERACTION, the overall goal of GENDERACTIONplus is to contribute to the coordination of gender equality and inclusiveness objectives of the new European Research Area (ERA) through the development of two communities of practice (CoPs), one...
Trvání projektu: 2022 - 2025
Účelem projektu sdílených činností „Strategická inteligence pro výzkum a inovace“ je poskytovat analytické kapacity a na datech založené strategické informace (tj. služby strategické inteligence) veřejné správě a výzkumným organizacím pro realizaci politiky výzkumu, vývoje a inov...
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2024
Project aim The aim of RESISTIRÉ is to 1) understand the impact of COVID-19 policy responses on behavioural, social and economic inequalities in the EU27, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, and the UK on the basis of a conceptual gender+ framework, and 2) design, devise and pilot policy so...
Trvání projektu: 2021 - 2023
A follow-up grant, the activities the Center develops fall into two basic lines. The first is to support women researchers' participation in European research, promote equal opportunities in science and research and support early career researchers, including the development of p...
Trvání projektu: 2008 - 2012
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. Nela Hesová
Také na přelomu ledna a února badatelky a badatelé ze Sociologického ústavu AV ČR hojně vystupovali v médiích. Co se nevešlo do samostatných novinek na webu ústavu?
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The final chapter systematically summarizes the debate about the politics of care, respectively family policy in the Czech Republic with the references to the context of European Union. With the references to the up-to-date analysis of contemporary paradoxical societal developmen...
Authors: Dudová, Radka
The book deals with the development of politics of abortion in the Czech Republic since 1957. Based on the research of discourses and institutions of abortion it develops the aproach of discursive institutionalism. The politics of abortion are analysed as specific socialist gover...
Authors: Šaldová, Kateřina, Barbora Tupá, Marta Vohlídalová
The paper sums up the findings based on a research on sexual harassment at university conducted as a part of a research project "Equal opportunities in the science: Analysis of gender barriers and development of talents" kindly supported by the Ministry of Youth and Edu...
Project The National Institute for Research on the Socioeconomic Impact of Diseases and Systemic Risks (SYRI)  was supported by the program EXCELES. No: LX22NPO5101
Trvání projektu: 2022 - 2025
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Hana Maříková, Zuzana Uhde
We argue that despite the assumption that there was a cohesive ideology of care during the communist regime, changes in ideologies, institutional settings and practices of childcare came about in Czechoslovakia in different decades. Reasons for post-1989 childcare in Czech societ...
Authors: Nancy C. Jurik, Alena Křížková, Marie Pospíšilová and Gray Cavender
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Alena Křížková, Marcela Linková (eds.)
For its strong informative value and its description of the multifarious activities of pro-women and feminist groups the publication In Multiple Voices (Mnohohlasem) will certainly be welcome reading among the academic, political and activist communities. The book shows that what...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
This publication presents a quantitative look at the issue of gender segregation – a statistical image – and a qualitative image of the social reality of women’s labour as portrayed in contemporary Czech television serials. The analysis showed that the Czech lab...
Authors: Křížková, A., Marková Volejníčková, R., Vohlídalová, M.
Rozdíl v průměrných mzdách žen a mužů v České republice je jedním z nejvyšších v Evropské unii a dlouhodobě se pohybuje kolem 22 %. Tato publikace ukazuje, jak je problém nerovností v odměňování žen a mužů vnímán českou veřejností, stejně jako jednotlivými expertními skupinami, k...
