Authors: Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.)
Chorvát, I., J. Šafr (eds.). 2019. Leisure, Society and Culture in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.SummaryLeisure is often the value to which people attach importance in their lives. This book deals with leisure time at the dawn of the 21s...
Authors: Poláková, Markéta
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Patočková, Věra
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Vojtíšková, Kateřina, Šafr, Jiří
Studie představuje výsledky dotazníkového šetření „Kultura v Děčíně 2013“ realizovaného mezi dospělou populací města. Zaměřuje se zvlášť na postoj obyvatel k rozvojovým plánům, zabývá se jejich kulturní participací a hodnocením kulturních zařízení ve městě....
Authors: Patočková, Věra - Šafr, Jiří
Trends in selected indicators of leisure activities in the Czech society since beginning 1990´s using results of CVVM surveys and CZO statistics are outlined. Using data from large surveys from 1994 to 2011 (SOÚ), main factors influencing highbrow culture participation are pursue...
Authors: Poláková, Markéta - Patočková, Věra - Vojtíšková, Kateřina
According to the Committee on culture of the world association of United Cities and local Governments and its document "Agenda 21 for culture" (2004), culture should be considered as one of the four pillars of sustainable development on an equal footing with the others. This pape...
Authors: Gibas, Petr a kol.
Kutilství jako svépomocná tvorba nejběžnějších praktických, nejrůznějších dekorativních i neobvyklých specializovaných předmětů představuje nedílnou součást moderní společnosti. Když se pozorně rozhlédneme, nalezneme stopy kutilství všude kolem nás, v domácnostech, na zahradách i...
Authors: Chorvát, Ivan, Jiří Šafr
Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nationally Specific?This article focuses on the factors that influence leisure time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic by using a dataset from coordinated surveys on leisure time carried ou...
Authors: Patočková, Věra, Jiří Šafr & Magdaléna Gorčíková
Organised leisure activities constitute an important source of experience for school-age children in the Czech Republic. Based on data collected in a longitudinal study, the aim of this paper is to explore two issues. Firstly, to what extent is children’s participation in extracu...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta (ed.)
The monography studies youth music subcultures in a contemporary Czech republic. It focuses on issues of values, political aspects of subcultures, relation to mainstream culture, inner differentation of subcultures and alternative lifestyles. Four popular music subcultures (punk,...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The text focuses on definitions of subcultures and presents important approaches to study youth music subcultures – the Birmingham school and post-subcultural theories. The author debates the possibilities of applying these approches in post-socialism and address post-socialist f...
Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Věra Patočková, Jiří Šafr
The chapter presents the main results from the representative survey of older school-age children, How children spend and experience their leisure 2021. It first focuses on time spent with digital media, especially with a computer, tablet or mobile phone (ICT), then on sports and...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta (ed.)
The book focuses on subcultures, in particular on youth music subcultures in the contemporary Czech Republic. It presents traditional and postmodern theories and approaches to the study of subcultures that have been developed both in the Western and Czech post-socialist contexts....
Authors: Zich, František, Anýžová, Petra (eds.)
Kniha se zabývá působením modernizačních a globalizačních trendů na hodnotové orientace, normy a klíčové aspekty životního způsobu české a hlučínské populace v evropském kontextu. Poznatky z lokálního výzkumu na Hlučínsku slouží ke konfrontaci s modernizací v jiných situacích a u...
Authors: Kubátová, H., F. Zich, F. Znebejánek, P. Anýžová, O. Roubal
Kniha se zabývá tím, jak se v průběhu tří generací (z)měnil pospolitý, pracovní, rodinný a náboženský život na Hlučínsku. Je zaměřena na období zhruba od konce druhé světové války po současnost. Zahrnuje tedy více než šedesát let, během kterých obyvatelé Hlučínska uzavírali sňatk...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The paper focuses on Czech alternative lifestyles and subcultures that cannot be defined by music and youth, hence using the concept of cultural creatives (Ray – Anderson 2000). This subculture has been formed by a convergence of social movements and countercultures since th...
Authors: Anja Decker
Collective 'uprooting', 'sick' villages and a new rural generation: Symbolic distinctions of Lifestyle migrants in the Czech borderlands. The paper adds to the debate on rural transformation and social differentiation through privileged mobility and migration. Using lifestyle mig...