Authors: Anja Decker
Collective 'uprooting', 'sick' villages and a new rural generation: Symbolic distinctions of Lifestyle migrants in the Czech borderlands. The paper adds to the debate on rural transformation and social differentiation through privileged mobility and migration. Using lifestyle mig...
Authors: Patočková, Věra, Jiří Šafr & Magdaléna Gorčíková
Organised leisure activities constitute an important source of experience for school-age children in the Czech Republic. Based on data collected in a longitudinal study, the aim of this paper is to explore two issues. Firstly, to what extent is children’s participation in extracu...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The conclusion is a comparison of four analysed youth music subcultures regarding values, political aspects of subcultures, relation to mainstream culture, inner differentation of subcultures and alternative lifestyles. It examines traditional and post-subcultural aspects of thes...
Authors: Šafr, Jiří
Šafr, Jiří. 2008. Lifestyle and Social Class in the Czech Republic: The Formation of Symbolic Cultural Boundaries by Differentiated Taste and Consumption. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.The study pursues differentiation of lifestyle, cultural capital (taste, consumption)...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří (ed.)
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE)....
Authors: Bayer, Ivo, Jitka Kolářová, Marta Kolářová, Martin Vávra
Essay examines content of magazine Bravo from the point of view of life style intermediation, inequality reproduction and value orientation. Values that the magazine shows on young celebrities’ stories are success, diligence, independence, physical attraction and traditiona...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta, Jitka Kolářová
Essay examines content of magazine Bravo from the point of view of life style intermediation, inequality reproduction and value orientation. Values that the magazine shows on young celebrities’ stories are success, diligence, independence, physical attraction and traditiona...
Authors: Kolářová, Marta (ed.)
The book focuses on subcultures, in particular on youth music subcultures in the contemporary Czech Republic. It presents traditional and postmodern theories and approaches to the study of subcultures that have been developed both in the Western and Czech post-socialist contexts....
Authors: Smith, Joe, Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jehlička, Petr
This paper questions assumptions about the relationship between class formation, sustainability and patterns of consumption. The empirical elements of the research are based upon qualitative and quantitative time-series research into food self-provisioning and ‘quiet sustai...
Authors: Hamplová, Dana, Katrňák, Tomáš (eds.)
Za posledních dvacet let došlo v České republice k zásadnímu nárůstu počtu studentů na vysokých školách. Jedním z důsledků je, že v naší populaci vzrostly podíly osob s ukončeným vysokoškolským vzděláním na dvojnásobek. Prudký rozvoj vzdělávacího systému vyvolává řadu otázek. Měn...
Authors: Chorvát, Ivan, Jiří Šafr
Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nationally Specific?This article focuses on the factors that influence leisure time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic by using a dataset from coordinated surveys on leisure time carried ou...