Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The article is focused on the visual gender representation in the anti-globalisation movement by the alternative media. British and Czech alternative magazines are compared. The anti-globalisation struggle is represented as gendered and traditional gender roles are reproduced in...
The aim of the project is to explore how the notion of authenticity is perceived, (re)produced and (re)constructed by female Instagram influencers.The notion of authenticity has gained prominent place in the latest research on social media and digital communication platforms. In...
Trvání projektu: 2020 - 2022
Připravili jsme pro Vás jarní cyklus čtvrtečních seminářů a srdečně Vás zveme na přednášky a následné diskuse k těmto tématům:
NKC – gender a věda
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici specialista/ka externí komunikace ve výzkumném oddělení Národní kontaktní centrum – gender a věda
Ilustrace: / DALL-E
Také v letních měsících badatelky a badatelé Sociologického ústavu AV ČR vystupovali v médiích. Přinášíme proto krátké shrnutí.
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Alena Křížková, Marcela Linková
For its strong informative value and its description of the multifarious activities of pro-women and feminist groups the publication In Multiple Voices (Mnohohlasem) will certainly be welcome reading among the academic, political and activist communities. The book shows that what...
Authors: Rakušanová, Petra
Authors: Heřmanová, Marie
Female spiritual influencers on Instagram engage with conspiracy content and appeal to the issue of control over female bodies to bridge the gap between mainstream and fringe online spaces. I use the concept of “third space” to analyse the dynamics of Instagram communities around...
Authors: Řeháčková, Dana
The paper examines the role of female journalists in promoting women-oriented topics in the media. Based on interviews with female journalists from private and public media, the analysis strives to capture the relationships between the structures of media organisations and journa...
Authors: Rakušanová, Petra
Authors: Heřmanová, Marie, Skey, Michael, Thurnell-Read, Thomas (eds)
Authenticity has become a buzzword for our times. Much of the travel industry is built around the provision of ‘authentic’ experiences, global brands fight to be seen as ‘authentic’ and social media platforms are awash with arguments about the authenticity of this post or that vl...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Zdeněk Sloboda
This publication presents a quantitative look at the issue of gender segregation – a statistical image – and a qualitative image of the social reality of women’s labour as portrayed in contemporary Czech television serials. The analysis showed that the Czech lab...
Authors: Vojtíšková, Kateřina, Kabele, Jiří, Hájek, Martin
The study is a computer-assisted text analysis of corpora obtained from the web pages of nine volunteer, non-governmental organisations and interest groups. The analysis encompasses three areas of justice claims: trade unions (the relationship between employers and...
Authors: Sloboda, Zdeněk
This publication presents a quantitative look at the issue of gender segregation – a statistical image – and a qualitative image of the social reality of women’s labour as portrayed in contemporary Czech television serials. The analysis showed that the Czech lab...
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25.-28.8.
The Institute of Sociology is a proud organizer of the 12th European Sociological Association Conference.
Authors: Bayer, Ivo, Jitka Kolářová, Marta Kolářová, Martin Vávra
Essay examines content of magazine Bravo from the point of view of life style intermediation, inequality reproduction and value orientation. Values that the magazine shows on young celebrities’ stories are success, diligence, independence, physical attraction and traditiona...
Marcela Linková: Dr. Jekyll a slečna Hyde: vědci a vědkyně ve filmu
Od října 2014 do února 2015 se scházíme v Akademickém konferenčním centru na přednáškách o filmu a televizi nahlížených z perspektivy sociologie či kulturálních studií. Program sestává z osmi přednášek od různých odbornic a odborníků, kteří se zabývají sociálněvědní reflexí popul...
Authors: Hašková, Hana (ed.), Jana Pomahačová
This study examines whether and in what way parenthood and childlessness are reflected in the gender-specific media targeting men and women in Czech society. The study presents the results of a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of selected women’s magazines and a qual...
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25.-28.8.
The Institute of Sociology is a proud organizer of the 12th European Sociological Association Conference.
