Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., se distancuje od zfalšovaných dat o romské populaci v ČR, která se šíří prostřednictvím blogů a dalších médií. Tato data nepocházejí ze Sociologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i., a ani z jiné výzkumné či vládní organizace v České republice. Zdrojem zfa...
The Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) conducts regular omnibus surveys focusing on observing the developments and changes in public opinion. These public opinion surveys regularly include questions on political, economic, and other social topics. The department also addresses...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. et Mgr. Paulína Tabery
Authors: Kalvas, František
The publication presents more than just theoretical approaches, it puts forth a complex and very well-grounded overview of several dimensions and conceptualizations of the given phenomenon, collectively ordered according to the concept of agenda-setting. Despite the usually delim...
Authors: Červenka, Jan
The chapter is focused on description and analysis of data from panel survey and independent public opinion surveys conducted in the second quarter of 2008 concerning respondent’s answers to a question which recent all-society events they consider to be most important.
Authors: Kunštát, Daniel (ed.)
The publication is collection of articles and its main aim is to offer complex overview of results of continual surveys made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR where words such public, public opinion or media are in the centre of theoretical diskursus. Wide social and historical context together...
Authors: Kunštát, Daniel
The aim of this article is to signify the profile of the Czech politoval parties from the point of view of thein voters and with reference to some fundamentals determinant of voting behaviour. Text tries to apply the teoretic bases and empirical research to the current Czech part...
Authors: Guasti, Petra - Mansfeldová, Zdenka - Hronešová, Jessie - Gawrecká, Daniela - Vamberová, Pavla - Lacina, Tomáš (IS AS CR), Turhan, Ugur (AU - Turkey), Tedeschi, Alessandra (DBL - Italy) - De Gramatica, Martina (Italy) – Shim, Woohyun (UNITN - Italy) - Williams, Julian (UDUR - Great Britain)
This deliverable combines qualitative and quantitative survey methods to provide an analysis of communication channels and patterns between policy makers, stakeholders (i.e. companies), and citizens in the areas of security and risk in regards to three specific areas – air...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka - Guasti, Petra - Gawrecká, Daniela - Vamberová, Pavla - Lacina, Tomáš - Hronešová, Jessie (IS AS CR) - Tedeschi, Alessandra (DBL - Italy)
This deliverable presents a comparative analysis of discourses and justifications of security and risk in newspapers in ten countries both within EU (Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) and outside of the EU (Mexico, the USA) as well as in...
New Press Releases - Public Opinion Research Centre - November 2015
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
New Press Releases - Public Opinion Research Centre - November 2015
Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
Authors: Škodová, Markéta (ed.), Jan Červenka, Vlastimil Nečas, František Kalvas, Paulína Tabery, Tomáš Trampota
The publication presents more than just theoretical approaches, it puts forth a complex and very well-grounded overview of several dimensions and conceptualizations of the given phenomenon, collectively ordered according to the concept of agenda-setting. Despite the usually delim...
Globální klimatická krize urychluje přechod k udržitelné energetice. Země EU mění přístup k hospodaření s elektřinou a teplem a ke koncepci dopravy. Do tohoto procesu významně promlouvá přehodnocení energetických politiky vlivem vojenské invaze Ruska na Ukrajinu.
Trvání projektu: 2022 - 2026
Authors: Škodová, Markéta
The publication presents more than just theoretical approaches, it puts forth a complex and very well-grounded overview of several dimensions and conceptualizations of the given phenomenon, collectively ordered according to the concept of agenda-setting. Despite the usually delim...
Authors: Nečas, Vlastimil
Publikace představuje komplexní a současně velmi fundovaný přehled několika rovin a konceptualizací jevu, souhrnně řazeného pod pojem agenda-setting. Navzdory obvyklým vymezením pojmu se pokouší o plastičtější tematizaci a kromě nastínění historického pozadí různých rovin uvedené...
Authors: Tabery, Paulína
The publication presents more than just theoretical approaches, it puts forth a complex and very well-grounded overview of several dimensions and conceptualizations of the given phenomenon, collectively ordered according to the concept of agenda-setting. Despite the usually delim...
Authors: Červenka, Jan, František Kalvas
The publication presents more than just theoretical approaches, it puts forth a complex and very well-grounded overview of several dimensions and conceptualizations of the given phenomenon, collectively ordered according to the concept of agenda-setting. Despite the usually delim...
2. 6. 2022 - 6. 6. 2022
Veletrh vědy 2022
Sociologický ústav AV ČR se opět zúčastní Veletrhu vědy, který pořádá Akademie věd ČR na letňanském výstavišti.
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Vedoucí oddělení: Mgr. Nela Hesová
ESA 2015
Na konci srpna, 25.–28. 8. 2015, se bude v Praze konat významná, již 12. mezinárodní sociologická konference Evropské sociologické asociace. Zúčastní se jí rekordní počet 3500 vědců a vědkyň, především z Evropy, ale i z mnoha mimoevropských zemí. Konferenci pořádá Sociologický ús...
