Authors: Vlachová, Klára
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
Authors: Kolářová, Marta
Text se zabývá vztahem genderu a války a konkrétně se zaměřuje na aktivní roli žen ve válce. Snaží se odpovědět na otázku, zda mohou ženy bojovat a proč jsou z válčení vyloučeny. Ptá se také, jestli válka a účast žen v armádě a boji přispívá k ženské emancipaci. Na...
Řada badatelek a badatelů Sociologického ústavu AV ČR v uplynulých týdnech vystupovala v médiích. Přinášíme souhrn jejich komentářů.
Authors: Guasti Petra, Mansfeldová Zdenka, Myant Martin, Bönker Frank
Studie je součástí mezinárodního komparativního projektu Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) zkoumajícího efektivní tvorbu politik a vládnutí ve 41 zemích EU a OECD. Zkoumané období je listopad 2018 - listopad 2019. Koncept výzkumu tvoří tři pilíře: (1) Výkon vlády v oblasti...
Authors: Pospíšilová, J., Raudenská, P.
Our chapter aims to describe the contemporary civic values of the people of Czech Republic within a European perspective. The following indicators have been chosen to represent activities, attitudes, and values that may sustain a democratic civic political culture: political inte...
Authors: Vobecká, Jana
The chapter looks at political, administrative, economic and cultural elites in the regions of the Czech Republic, focusing especially on the strenght of their ties to the place of residence, gender representation, age structure, educational level, employment and economic positio...
Authors: Kunštát, Daniel
Strategic agenda focused on integration and development of good relationships with neighbour states represents crucial foreign politics aim of Czech Republic. Deepening of central – european cooperation with neighbour EU member states - Germany and Austria as well as with t...
Authors: Řeháková, Blanka, Klára Vlachová
Authors: Linek, Lukáš
The text describes the activity of the interest group The Union of towns and cities during the construction of its own interest and during the lobbying in the legislative process. The author shows the success of the lobbying of this interest group and finds the main factors of it...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The author addresses in the article the debate concerning the application of quotas for the assertion of equal representation of men and women in politics. She based her argument on the theory of Nancy Fraser and Iris Young. With reference to some practical and empirical mentions...
Authors: Čermák, Daniel, Stachová, Jana
This article sets out to identify the factors that can help explain trust in selected political institutions in the Czech Republic. The life-time learning model was used as the theoretical framework for this investigation. The results of the analyses showed that the particular le...
