A particular goal of the project is to make more effective use of sociological theory and methods in the analysis of housing demand. As the global economic crisis showed, the housing market has the potential to undermine the stability of the entire national and global economy. Th...
Trvání projektu: 2012 - 2015
We are pleased to inform you that the new issue of Critical Housing Analysis was released.
Authors: Lux, Martin
The article attempts to contribute to the discussion on housing affordability and the use of affordability measures for normative purposes. The approach applied there is based on the estimation of economic quasi-norms on rent levels in rent-controlled (social) housing by looking...
Authors: Vlachová, Klára
Authors: Vlachová, Klára
9. 5. 2018 - 11. 5. 2018
Call for Papers: New Housing Challenges Workshop
To reflect and critically respond on the processes of financialization of housing across European countries the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Housing and Family Dynamics Working Group under European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) invite early-ca...
10. 4. 2017 - 13. 4. 2017
Vernisáž se uskuteční v pondělí 10. dubna od 15 hodin.
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí připravuje nový zákon, který by rušil dosavadní hlavní nástroje politiky bydlení – příspěvek a doplatek na bydlení – a zavedl by novou dávku, tzv. přídavek na bydlení.
1. 11. 2021 - 5. 11. 2021
Týden Akademie věd ČR 2021
Sociologický ústav AV ČR se i v tomto roce zapojí do tradičního podzimního vědeckého festivalu Týdne Akademie věd ČR. Jako obvykle formou přednášek a seminářů pro studenty a studentky, ale také zájemkyně a zájemce z řad široké veřejnosti.
9. 5. 2018 - 11. 5. 2018
Call for Papers: New Housing Challenges Workshop
To reflect and critically respond on the processes of financialization of housing across European countries the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Housing and Family Dynamics Working Group under European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) invite early-ca...
Authors: Mikeszová, Martina, Martin Lux, Milan Polednik, Petr Sunega
The chapter describes a proposal for implementation of social and guaranteed housing in the Czech Republic. Target groups of households are defined. Although they are generally eligible for housing allowances, due to discrimination on the Czech housing market they face social and...
Authors: Mikeszová, Martina
The paper focuses on the development of regional inequalities in rental housing (un)affordability in Czech Republic. The aim of the paper is to identify "model" types of household which are potentially at risk of being unable to afford "adequate" housing in ca...
24. 11. 2015
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., si Vás dovoluje pozvat na tiskovou konferenci k tématu „Češi na trhu bydlení a jak řešit bytovou nouzi. Sociální bydlení jinak“, která se uskuteční v úterý 24. 11. 2015 od 10:00 hodin v Akademickém konferenčním centru v Husově ulici 4a na Praze 1...
Authors: Lux M., Sunega P., Stephens M.
This article develops a conceptual framework derived from welfare regime and concomitant literatures to interpret housing reform in post-socialist European countries. In it, settled power structures and collective ideologies are necessary prerequisites for the creation of distinc...
Authors: Sunega, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Martin Lux, Karel Báťa
Main goal of the chapter is to find out, how could be selected housing policy tools adjusted (or altered) to meet following criteria: anti-cyclical behaviour, tenure neutrality, wealth redistribution towards households (or individuals) in need. The authors focused on following to...
Authors: Lux, Martin
The article describes the efficiency of different approaches to the reform in the field of Czech rental housing and selected housing policy measures introduced to help low income households. 
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega
The chapter describes, evaluates and compares the housing allowance in the Czech Republic with housing allowances in selected other transition countries. For the purpose of evaluation the approach of welfare economics is used. 
Authors: Sunega, Petr
Authors: Lux, Martin
The article analyses the situation of the Czech housing market paying attentionto the sector of municipal rental housing. The emphasis is placed on the criticalevaluation of the current state. The comparative descrition of differentsocial housing systems in the European Union cou...
Authors: Vašát, Petr
Kniha je interdisciplinární a multimetodologickou studií bezdomovectví v Česku. Autor v ní čtenáři ukazuje, jak se bezdomovectví zhmotňuje na průsečíku politickoekonomických faktorů, jako jsou demokratizace společnosti nebo integrace do globální ekonomiky, a specifických doprovod...
