38 Events
Prof. Stein Ringen: Democracy and Autocracy – Is There a Competition?
Time and Place of Event: od 13 do 14:30 hod. v místnosti 212, budova FSV UK Hollar, Smetanovo nábř. 6, Praha 1.
Event Date: 30.05.2018 - 30.05.2018
Category: Seminars
The Institute of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University and the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to a public lecture.
Christian Fleck: In Hirschman's footsteps: Is there a specific rhetoric of populism?
Time and Place of Event: 2016 ve 14:00 hodin zasedací místnost 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1
Event Date: 08.12.2016 - 08.12.2016
Category: Seminars
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., a katedra sociologie Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí
Supplemental Poverty Measurement (SPM). Thresholds and a Missing Data Problem: Thoughts from the U.S.
Time and Place of Event: 13:30, AKC, Husova 4a, Praha 1
Event Date: 18.08.2016 - 18.08.2016
Category: Seminars
Institute of Sociology CAS invites you to join a special seminar with Thesia I. Garner, leading economist at United States Bureau of Labour Statistics with presentation on the Research Experimental Poverty Thresholds.
Night of Philosophy
Time and Place of Event: 19:00 - 03:00, Národní galerie v Praze - Veletržní palác - FF UK
Event Date: 16.06.2016 - 17.06.2016
Category: Seminars
From June 16th 7pm to June 17th 3am the Night of Philosophy will present a wide audience with a round-the-clock program of short and long lectures, debates, readings, art shows and performances, screenings and concerts gathering 55 leading international philosophers from the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia on the topic “Images, Sciences and Politics.”
Not so far away from West, the Turn of Art in Bratislava (1960-1980)
Time and Place of Event: 14:00, AKC, Husova 4a, Praha 1
Event Date: 26.05.2016 - 26.05.2016
Category: Seminars
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with
who will present her paper
Safety in Numbers: Group Linkages and the Persistence of Party Switching. Preliminary Evidence from the Field
Time and Place of Event: 14:00, Second Floor - Room 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1
Event Date: 12.11.2015 - 12.11.2015
Category: Seminars
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with
PETER J. TUNKIS - Visiting Fulbright-Hays Fellow at SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, The Ohio State University
who will present his paper
Bending the Law to a Breaking Point: Political Challenges in Local Government
Time and Place of Event: 14:00, zasedací místnost Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i., Jilská 1, Praha 1
Event Date: 16.10.2014 - 16.10.2014
Category: Seminars
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with
LYUBA SPASOVÁ from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
who will present her paper
Factional Splits in Proto-Hegemonic Mass Parties: The Case of the Welfare/Virtue Party in Turkey
Time and Place of Event: 14:00, zasedací místnost 207, Jilská 1, Praha 1
Event Date: 09.10.2014 - 09.10.2014
Category: Seminars
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with
PELIN AYAN MUSIL (Department of Politics, Anglo-American University) and
MAREK HUDÍK (Center for Theoretical Studies, Charles University)
and their topic
Factional Splits in Proto-Hegemonic Mass Parties: The Case of the Welfare/Virtue Party in Turkey
Time and Place of Event: 14:00, Sociologický ústav, Jilská 1, 110 00 - místnost 207
Event Date: 09.10.2014 - 09.10.2014
Category: Seminars
Sociologický ústav si vás dovoluje pozvat na pravidelný čtvrteční seminář s tématikou politických stran. Přednáška bude vedena v anglickém jazyce.
Přednáška Francine M. Deutsch: "Equally Sharing Household Labor"
Time and Place of Event: 9:30, SOÚ AV ČR, Jilská 1, zasedací místnost č. 207, 2. patro
Event Date: 05.05.2014 - 05.05.2014
Category: Seminars
Oddělení Gender & sociologie si vás dovoluje pozvat na přednášku:
Francine M. Deutsch, Professor of Psychology at Mount Holyoke College: "Equally Sharing Household Labor: How Couples around the World Undo Gender One Diaper at a Time".
Individual Heterogeneity in Economic Returns to College in Central Europe
Time and Place of Event: 14:00, Akademické konfereční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1
Event Date: 13.03.2014 - 13.03.2014
Category: Seminars
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with
MICHAEL SMITH and his topic Individual Heterogeneity in Economic Returns to College in Central Europe
Between theory and research
Time and Place of Event: 13:00, Akademické konferenční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1
Event Date: 05.12.2013 - 05.12.2013
Category: Seminars
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., ve spolupráci s ISS FSV UK si Vás dovolují pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí prof. CARMELO LOMBARDO z University Sapienza v Římě s přednáškou v angličtině na téma analytické sociologie:
The Rise of New Political Parties in Central Europe (V4)
Time and Place of Event: 13.30 – 17.30 Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4a, Prague 1
Event Date: 14.10.2013 - 14.10.2013
Category: Seminars
With the support of the programme 'Europe for Citizens' of the European Union.
Alicia Castillo Holley - From Brainer to Gainer: Achievement, use and payback
Event Date: 27.11.2011 - 27.11.2011
Category: Seminars
1.12. 2011, 14:00, Jilská 1, 2.floor, doors n. 207
Craig Holman: Evolution of the U.S. Lobbying Disclosure Act: Where We Are Now and Where We Need to Go
Event Date: 11.05.2011 - 11.05.2011
Category: Seminars
The seminar will take place this Thursday, May 12 at 10 AM in the Academic Conference Centre - AKC, husova 4, Prague 1
Seminar: Agnieszka Cianciara (College of Europe), "‘Dilemmas of lobbying regulation: challenges and solutions"
Event Date: 28.03.2011 - 28.03.2011
Category: Seminars
Seminar: New Trends in Corruption Research: What Can Research Contribute to Anti-corruption Policy?
Event Date: 20.11.2007 - 20.11.2007
Category: Seminars
Wednesday, November 28, 2007, 9am-3:20pm at the American Center of the United States Embassy in Prague
Miloslav Lapka, Eva Cudlínová:Czech and Japan Perception of Landscape. An Attempt of Combination of Methods and an Social - Ecological Interpretation of Results of the CZ-JAP Project
Event Date: 21.11.2005 - 21.11.2005
Category: Seminars
Seminary takes place rarely in Ústav dějin umění in Husova street n. 4 on the 1 December 2005 at 14,00 on the 1 floor, room n. 117.
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