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  • Precarity as a real experience of the self-employed and micro-enterprises.

Project Duration: 2020 - 2023

Category: Projects

The main project objective is the support and innovation of Czech entrepreneurial environment with a focus on the self-employed and microenterprises through the analysis and subsequent recommendations to eliminate risks and hindrances related to these types of entrepreneurship. We also focus on new firms that have been found by previous research as the main creators of new jobs. In general, small firms and freelancers face specific disadvantages (e.g. low and volatile salaries). In this project, we aim to identify those groups of the self-employed and microenterprises, in which various forms of precarity are the most prevalent. We also aim to offer solutions for these risks and provide them to policy makers who are responsible for the support of entrepreneurs and economic growth.

More about the project: (Czech only)

Principal Investigator:

Members of the project team:

Co-investigators outside the institute:

  • Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze


Gender, Wages and Incomes, Work

Contracting authority:

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic


Gender & Sociology


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