PhDr. Marie Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
Department: Gender & Sociology
Job: associate scientist
Phone: 210 310 213
Internal Line: 213
ORCID: 0000-0003-4218-8235
Themes: Gender, Media, Sociological Data
Curriculum Vitae
2018 PhD. Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Prague.
2013 PhDr. Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Prague.
2012 Master, Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Prague.
2010 Bc., Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Prague.
Marie Pospíšilová is a associate scientist at the Gender & Sociology Department at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She is interested in gender and entrepreneurship, copreneurship and work-life balance.
Teaching Activities
Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Prague
SS 2015/16/17 Introduction to computer-assisted qualitative analysis
WS, SS 2014/15 Data analysis using ATLAS
SS 2013/14 History of Sociology – seminar
WS 2012/13/14/15/16/17 The Introduction to Sociology (assistant)
SS 2012/13 The Internet in the Context of Contemporary Society
SS 2012/13 Practice of qualitative research
Foreign Study Visits and Internships
June 2016, Bodø, Norway, Nord University, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
8.–14.5.2016, Universität Konstanz, Germany, student workshop assistant
8.–10.12. 2015, Brussels, Belgium, study visit – European institutions (focused on gender and feminism)
20.10.–31.10.2014, Bratislava, Slovakia, The Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
2.–10.9.2013, Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany, Td Summer School 2013 – Transdisciplinary Research at the Science | Society interface
Selected Publications
Nízkopříjmoví podnikající a jejich způsob vyrovnání se s krizí na příkladu pandemie covidu-19
2024, Marková Volejníčková, R., Pospíšilová, M., Maříková, H.
Gendered impact of caregiving on older nonmedical healthcare workers
2024, Pospíšilová, Marie, Křížková, Alena
Facts and figures on gender in entrepreneurship and inovation
2023, Křížková, Alena, Marková Volejníčková, Romana, Pospíšilová Marie, Vohlídalová Marie
Gendering the pandemic: redefinition of care as a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis?
Project Duration: 2021 - 2023
Precarity as a real experience of the self-employed and micro-enterprises.
Project Duration: 2020 - 2023