The goal of the project is to evaluate the role of socioeconomic conditions on the quality of life and health using a multidisciplinary perspective. In particular, the project aims:
- to evaluate the effect of work and housing conditions, family situations, social support and other relevant social factors on lifestyle, risk behavior and physical and mental health
- to evaluate the cumulative effect of social deprivation on health and quality of life
- to analyze the duration and quality of sleep, characterize chronotypes and social jetlag and evaluate their distribution in the population and in the interaction among family members
- to apply multidisciplinary perspective and to combine sociological and epidemiological approaches in producing materials and report for the applied sphere.
Principal Investigator:
Contracting authority:
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Related Publications:
Social Jetlag in the Context of Work and Family
Themes: prace, rodina, zivotnistyl
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Výzkumná zpráva zaměřená na analýzy fyziologických a sociálních rizik nákazy COVID-19
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