Project Duration: 2012 - 2014
After 1989, national identity became a major research topic in the social sciences. In the first half of the 1990´s, Europe experienced a series of events that brought attention of scientists to the issue of national identity - disintegration of multinational states of Central and Eastern Europe (Yugoslavia, Russia, Czechoslovakia), the unification of Germany, the Maastricht Treaty, and the two waves of enlargement of the European Union, the introduction of the European currency Euro and the abolition of many national currencies. These and many other events and processes (national problems in Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy, and immigration from non-European countries) stimulated interest in the issue of national identity in the world. In 1995 ISSP research association carried out the comparative survey National Identity I in 23 countries, including the Czech Republic. National Identity II survey was repeated in 2003 in 34 countries, including the Czech Republic and its third wave of the survey (National Identity III) will be held in 2013. In 2013, the Czech Republic will be existing over twenty years and the theme of national identity belongs to the 8th Priority of the development of the Czech society, National policy of the Research and Development 2009 - 2015 (Theme 4 Czech identity and the World).
New international survey will bring valuable information about:
National identity as a collective identity
The perception of the characteristics of a nation (state nation, ethno-cultural nation)
Relation to the territorial and administrative entities (village/town, region, state, European Union, continent)
National pride
Attitudes towards immigration
Attitudes toward ethnic assimilation
Attitudes towards globalization
Geographic mobility
Knowledge of languages
Czech data file will be deposited in the CSDA at the Institute of Sociology AS CR, international data file will be distributed by the GESIS Data Archive.
Principal Investigator:
Trust/Social Cohesion, Identity, Migration and Mobility, Social Inequalities
Contracting authority:
Ministry Project
Related Publications:
Significant others and the importance of ancestry for Czech national identity
Themes: identita
Národní identity a identifikace. Česká republika - Visegrádská čtyřka - Evropská unie
Themes: eu, hodnotoveorientace, identita, obcanskaspolecnost
Spoločnosť v rozvoji regiónu: regionálne povedomie a jeho pozícia v rámci procesu inštitucionalizácie regiónu
Themes: identita, regiony
Publication Type: kapitolavkonferencnimsborniku
Department: Value Orientations in Society
Správa z výskumu regionálnej identity obyvateľov Slovenska
Themes: identita, regiony
Regionálne povedomie a identita regiónu ako premenné v rámci procesu inštitucionalizácie regiónu
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Oravský Podzámok zapojený do výskumu regionálnej identity
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Formovanie teritoriálnej identity Čechov a Slovákov
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Regionálna identita ako faktor rozvoja destinácie cestovného ruchu
Themes: identita, mezilidskevztahy, regiony, socialnikapital
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Department: Value Orientations in Society
Teritoriálna identita obyvateľov Česka a Slovenska
Themes: hodnotoveorientace, identita, regiony