Project Duration: 2006 - 2008
The aim of the project is to analyze all types of factors, which shape decision-making of Czech scientists and researchers who reside occupationally abroad whether they come back to the Czech Republic or not. The project addresses (through questionnaire investigation) those who have decided to return as well as those who have not. It also investigates institutional conditions for welcome back of scientists and researchers on the side of research institutions in the Czech Republic. Secondary analysis of foreign existing programme of the support of returning scientists and researchers from abroad to motherly countries has been performed. The research serves to formulation of proposal for creation purposeful programme "tightening" Czech brains back into the Czech Republic.
Principal Investigator:
Contracting authority:
Ministry Project
Related Publications:
Islands of Innovation in the Czech Republic: the international labour market of highly skilled workers and brain gain policies.
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The Migration of Researchers from Central Europe during the Transition Period
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How to Turn Brain Drain into Brain Gain. Policies to Support Return of Researchers and Scientists to their Home Countries
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Attached Files
- 2805091410381bdac0782a149fd0555.pdf (pdf, 454.57 KB)
- 1712091356373d68c659384f0381883.doc (doc, 456 KB)