Project Duration: 2016 - 2016
This project was solved within the framework of the AV21 Strategy in the program: Diversity of Life and Health of Ecosystems (ROZE).
The aim of the activity was to map out the value orientations, attitudes, motivations and behavior of selected groups to protect the diversity of life and natural resources, sustainable development and related measures of public policies and to compare selected attitudes of these groups with those of a representative sample of the adult population of the Czech Republic.
Main outputs:
The first part of the study is focused on how environmental issues are approached by sociology and social sciences and also deals with nature conservation in the Czech Republic - its developments, institution and actors. The second part presents the results of empirical surveys with the main emphasis on the survey carried out in 2016 focused on opinions, attitudes and behaviour of that part of population that is interested in nature conservation and environment professionally or in their leisure and actively participates in organizations dealing with nature conservation and environment– i.e. environmental education, conservation of specific species of plants or animals, care about specifies sites, nature protection on the global level and leisure organisations connected to nature (game management, fishing, hiking, beekeeping, forestry).
Vojtíšková, K. 2016. Tahle země není pro ekologické aktivisty. Sedmá generace, 5: 13-16. Dostupné na:
Vojtíšková, K. 2016. Vztah zainteresované veřejnosti k přírodě a její ochraně 2016: Deskriptivní charakteristiky (číselník). Praha: SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i.
Číselník - Dotazníkové šetření: Vztah zainteresované veřejnosti k přírodě a její ochraně 2016.
Sběr dat: červen-srpen 2016
LimeSurvey (
Principal Investigator:
Globalization, City and Village, Regions, Environment
Contracting authority:
Related Publications:
Vztah obyvatel k přírodě a její ochraně. Sociologická perspektiva
Themes: zivotniprostredi
Attached Files
- ciselnik_1.pdf (pdf, 464.51 KB)
- vztah_obyvatel_k_prirode_a_jeji_ochrane.pdf (pdf, 3.27 MB)