Project Duration: 2010 - 2013
This project seeks to prevent serious security threats to the Czech state via organized crime and corruption by addressing the mechanisms by which those crimes take place. The project will design and propose legislative and non-legislative reforms for addressing the security risks that ensue from the lack of transparency in the lobbying of public officials, and in the financing of political parties, by foreign entities, undisclosed persons, and others that pose a potential security threat.
Principal Investigator:
Corruption, Criminality
Contracting authority:
Ministry Project
Related Publications:
Analýza současného stavu protikorupční politiky ČR a doporučení k implementaci nové protikorupční strategie
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Regulace lobbingu v České republice. Od myšlenky ke konceptu a implementaci
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Politika odvolání jako inovativní nástroj prosazování transparentnosti a občanské účasti ve slovenské a polské místní samosprávě
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