Project Duration: 2017 - 2020
The aim of this project is to examine local responses to global environmental problems (climate change, soil degradation, food quality, etc.) in terms of social movements and lifestyles. The research activity is carried out within the framework of the Strategy AV 21 Global Conflicts and Local Contexts (
The activity focuses on the study of sustainable lifestyle in the Czech Republic in the context of globalization and global climate change. Sustainable lifestyles and sustainable consumption are analyzed in the global framework of production and consumption and their environmental and social impacts. The researcher is looking for examples of good practice applicable to society.
Sustainable lifestyle is understood not only as sustainable, ethical or green consumption, but is also linked to self-reliance and do-it-yourself practice. Their construction and ways of implementing in various areas of lifestyle (e.g. food provisioning or production of daily necessities) at the individual and community level are studied.
Furthermore, environmental 'lifestyle movements', communities and initiatives that focus on sustainability and self-reliance are analysed: Transition movement, back-to-the-land movement, permaculture, food sovereignty, ecocommunity and zero-waste movements. These lifestyle movements can be defined as groups that consciously and actively promote lifestyle as the main means of social change.
Research is based on media analysis (both alternative and mainstream), participant observation and interviews with people who promote and/or live a sustainable lifestyle.
Principal Investigator:
Value Orientations, Identity, Culture, City and Village, Family, Health, Environment, Lifestyle
Contracting authority:
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Attached Links
Attached Files
- analyza_udrzitelny_zivotni_styl_v_ceskych_mediich.pdf (pdf, 724.26 KB)
- zprava_z_workshopu_envi_global_lokal.pdf (pdf, 431.47 KB)