Project Duration: 2016 - 2019
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences is one of the seven partners in TEACHENER, a project co-financed by the Erasmus+ strategic partnerships programme of the European Commission, which aims to integrate social sciences and humanities into teaching about energy. TEACHENER is a 3-year project which started on 1st September 2016. It is coordinated by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland) and will be implemented by seven partners in four EU countries: Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain. TEACHENER aims to fill the gap between social sciences and humanities and energy teaching at universities in Europe, by transposing social sciences and humanities knowledge to the domain of higher technical education. The partners will design an “Edu-Kit”, a flexible set of teaching modules covering various topics associated with social aspects of energy, and will test these teaching modules at technical higher education institutions and during two Student Winter Schools. Through TEACHENER, graduates of technical energy studies will gain interdisciplinary skills, knowledge and competencies in social sciences and humanities, enabling them to better respond to the needs of the labour market related to the shift to knowledge society and a fair energy transition with new or adapted job profiles.
Invitation to the TEACHENER Project Conference: Gdańsk, 27-28 June 2019.
Principal Investigator:
European Union, Sociology of Sciences, Education
Contracting authority:
International Project
Related Publications:
Energy and the public. How societies communicate and decide about energy issues?
Themes: obcanskaspolecnost, technologietechnika, verejnemineni
Philosophy and Ethics of Energy Development. What are the most general questions concerning our attitudes to energy technologies?
Themes: obcanskaspolecnost, sociologickateorie, technologietechnika