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Imigrace v České republice v kontextu evropské integrace

Leontiyeva, Yana. 2008. „Imigrace v České republice v kontextu evropské integrace“. Pp. 153-176 in Mansfeldová, Zdenka, Aleš Kroupa (eds.). Proměny reprezentace zájmů po vstupu do Evropské unie. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON. 274 s. ISBN 978-80-86429-88-5.

The process of the Europeanisation of Czech alien and asylum laws seems to be rather inconsistent. The integration into the EU has brought some changes, which have not yet had a profound affect on the actual nature of immigration. Today immigration to the Czech Republic is often described as a short-term labour migration. Nevertheless, the potential for migrants’ permanent settlement in the Czech Republic seems to be increasing thus there is a substantial need for effective integration policies.





European Union, Migration and Mobility, Civil Society, Politics and Political Attitudes, Public Policy


Political and Legal Institutional Framework of the Czech Republic and its Changes in the Context of the Accession the the EU


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